Sound Amplification Devices on Campus – LR 504.7

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University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Sound Amplification Devices on Campus
Policy Number: LR 504.7
Effective Date: April 1, 2010 (review date)


“Sound amplification device” as used in this regulation means any electronically operated or assisted device for the amplification of sound including, but not limited to, public address system bullhorns, music or voice amplifiers, megaphones, or any combination thereof. The indiscriminate and unregulated use of sound amplification devices in the buildings and on the campus and grounds of UA Little Rock is detrimental to the university and seriously disrupts and impedes it in accomplishing and carrying out its functions, missions, and obligations as an educational institution.

The use of sound amplification devices in buildings on the campus or any site owned by the university or under its control, except as provided in the following paragraph, is hereby prohibited unless a permit for the use of the same is first obtained from the approving office or a designated representative.

This regulation shall not be deemed to limit the use of sound amplification devices as a part of and in furtherance of university sponsored and scheduled activities or by university officials, faculty, and employees in the performance of their duties. Permits issued shall specify the time, duration, location, and manner for which the proposed use of a sound amplification device is authorized. Any use thereof which deviates from the permit as to time, duration, location, or manner, shall cause the revocation by the University of said permit.

A permit for the use of sound amplification devices may be granted:

  1. When the time, location, manner, and extent of amplification will not unreasonably interfere with or distract the students, faculty, employees, and guests of the university from their university-scheduled academic programs or business activities.
  2. When the time, location, manner, and extent of amplification will not unreasonably interfere with, distract, or otherwise cause unreasonable congestion of students, faculty, employees, and guest of the university in going to and from university-scheduled academic activities or business affairs.
  3. When the time, location, manner, and extent of amplification will not unreasonably interfere, distract or hamper the university, its faculty, and staff from fulfilling its obligations and missions by providing an educational institution for the benefit and enhancement of all students in attendance.

Complaints regarding sound amplification devices and interference with the stated guidelines shall be reported to Office of Campus Life (OCL). Any use of sound amplification devices without a permit may result in disciplinary action being taken against the user, including the removal of such equipment or device.

Outdoor Amplified Musical Events

The Office of Campus Life (OCL) reviews requests made by university student groups and Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) to stage any outdoor amplified musical event on the UA Little Rock campus. The approving office may ask representatives of the sponsoring student group or RSO to clarify and discuss the proposal. The approving office may seek approval from the dean of students to accept a proposal subject to modifications or changes, or to reject the proposal. If the approving office rejects the proposal it will provide the sponsoring group or RSO with a written explanation within five (5) class days and notify the group or RSO in writing that they may appeal the decision to the Student Affairs Committee within three (3) class days. The committee shall review the proposal within five (5) class days of the appeal.

The committee may request that representatives of the sponsoring group or RSO be present to clarify and discuss the proposal. If the committee recommends a proposal be rejected, it will provide the sponsoring group or RSO with a written explanation. The recommendation of the committee shall be by majority vote of the members present, three-fourths of the committee membership constituting a quorum.

The committee may also choose to accept a proposal subject to certain modifications or changes specified by the committee. The committee will report its decision immediately and in writing to the group, the VCESS, and the approving office. The group may appeal the decision of the committee in writing within three (3) class days upon receiving notification. The VCESS may elect to:

  1. Approve the recommendation;
  2. Reject the recommendation; or
  3. Approve the recommendation subject to any changes or modifications he or she shall deem appropriate.

If the VCESS rejects or modifies the recommendation, he or she shall provide the group with a written explanation within three (3) class days of the appeal. The proposal must be submitted to the approving office at least two (2) weeks before the outdoor concert or musical event and advance notice of up to six (6) weeks may be required depending upon financial and contractual arrangements. The proposal will identify:

  1. The target audience;
  2. The source of funding;
  3. The sponsoring university student group or RSO;
  4. The number and identity of concert monitors;
  5. The nature of the program to be presented; and
  6. A complete description of the musical group, e.g., ten-piece band, one-man show, etc., including the name of the group, and proposed location.

The proposal will outline clean-up provisions, security provisions, and restrooms to be available as well as liability coverage for the event if this is appropriate.

Additionally, the proposal will conform to these guidelines:

  1. Outdoor musical events or concerts during class hours are normally not permitted and shall in all instances be limited to university-wide events such as Homecoming. They are subject to prior approval from OCL.
  2. The event may be scheduled on weekdays, during university holidays, and during weekends. An event scheduled on holidays Monday through Thursday or on Sunday shall be concluded by 10 p.m. Events scheduled on weekends, Fridays, and Saturdays must conclude by midnight. The sound must be maintained at an acceptable level at all times. Acceptable volume levels take into consideration:
    • The proximity of the event to academic buildings, residence halls, or private residences.
    • The number of musical instruments and amplification capacity of equipment involved in the event.
    • The time of day at which the event is taking place.
    • The expected duration of the event.
    • The number of complaints received from the surrounding community as to the sound level of the event.

    At the request of an authorized university official to lower the sound level, the performer and the sponsoring group shall respond immediately.

  3. Normally, off-campus advertising is prohibited, including but not limited to radio, television, posters, and handbills.
  4. Alcohol and drugs are prohibited.
  5. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in the sponsoring student group or RSO being subject to possible restitution and loss of privilege to sponsor events for up to one (1) year.

Additionally, any sponsoring group or student who violates the provisions of the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Behavior found in the UA Little Rock Student Handbook or the general rules and regulations of the university may be subject to the sanctions contained therein.

Source: UALR Student Handbook 2009
Approved By: VCESS, April 1, 2010
Custodian: Office of Campus Life