Quills & Pixels publishes all forms of nonfiction writing. It is the student publication of the UA Little Rock Writers’ Network which is dedicated to spotlighting the importance of writing in society.
Quills & Pixels is a peer-reviewed journal. The editorial team reads and decides what to publish without knowing who the authors are.
The editorial team consists of UA Little Rock students in the RHET 4321 course, Editing for Publication. The journal is copyedited and laid out by those in the RHET 4323 class, Production Editing.
If you are interested in taking one of these classes, please contact the Quills & Pixels editorial staff: qp@ualr.edu.
We publish
- Creative nonfiction
- Personal essays
- Research essays
- Academic writing
- Journalistic features
- Technical communication
- Black and white photography
- Other genres
We encourage you to submit your work for consideration through our online submission form. Please note that we do not publish fiction, poetry, or drama.
Frequently Asked Questions
Anyone associated with the UA Little Rock community—students, staff, and faculty, as well as alumni of the university and persons involved in any of UA Little Rock’s outreach and community programs—is welcome to submit their work.
This includes people from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), the William H. Bowen School of Law, and the Clinton School of Public Service.
What you do:
- Pick which piece(s) to submit (you can submit up to 5).
- Redact the pieces (take out anything that identifies you as the author)
- Submit them via our online submission form.
- Wait.
What we do:
- Wait for submissions
- Read all work that is submitted, using a rubric to guide our reading
- Select works for publication
- Contact authors about the status of their work
- Work with authors whose work has been selected for publication to finalize their drafts
Work must be
- Original, unpublished nonfiction work.
- Redacted (Removed your name from the writing—use a pseudonym if your name appears in the writing).
- Include a header with a shortened title and page numbers throughout.
You may submit up to 5 pieces.