Membership in Private Clubs – LR 218.1

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University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Policy Name: Membership in Private Clubs
Policy Number: LR 218.1
Effective Date: February 4, 2002

This policy provides guidelines for college or university memberships in private clubs.

The university and some of the colleges maintain memberships in a limited number of private clubs. This use of funds from university or development accounts for the cost of memberships is justified because they can be used as a place to conduct university business or to entertain persons important to the further development of the university. Employees of the university, alumni, or friends of the university shall not use these university accounts for personal or non-university purposes, even if the person involved indicates that he or she is willing to reimburse the university for the charges on a university account. Some clubs will allow individuals without an account to arrange for functions at the club directly. In such cases, individuals may reimburse the club directly without involving university accounts.

Source: University-wide Administrative Memo, February 4, 2002
Approved By: Dr. Charles Hathaway, February 4, 2002
Custodian: Office of the Chancellor