Beginning in November, current and future students may apply for UA Little Rock School of Business scholarships that will be awarded in the following summer, fall, and/or spring terms. The scholarships below are either general School of Business scholarships or are listed with the awarding department.
Current and newly admitted UA Little Rock students can also apply to thousands of internal and external scholarships using the scholarships-matching tool, ScholarshipUniverse.
Advisory Council Scholarship
For students with identifiable financial needs.
Ben A. Hardy Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time student whose major is in the School of Business who demonstrates achievement, leadership, and financial need.
Elizabeth S. Lang Scholarship
Awarded to a business student in the School of Business.
Gibson-Duncan Trust Scholarship
Awarded to students whose major is in the School of Business. Applicants must have maintained a 2.0 GPA in high school and must have a 2.0 overall GPA at UA Little Rock.
Harper Dabney Boyd Scholarship
Awarded to juniors and seniors with a major is in the School of Business.
Harper W. Boyd Scholarship
Awarded to full-time juniors or seniors whose major is in the School of Business. Applicants must have a minimum 3.25 GPA and not be employed more than 15 hours per week during the academic terms. Selection is based on academic achievement and financial need.
Jane and Bob Wayland Scholarship
Awarded to full- or part-time student graduate or undergraduate with a major in the School of Business. Financial need will be strongly considered.
Jane Kittle and Vaughan Dabney Scholarship
Awarded to juniors or seniors whose major is in the School of Business.
Jerry Jones Scholarship for Achievement
Awarded to students enrolled in the School of Business who demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, participation in campus and community life, and interest in and aptitude for a successful career in business.
John M. Elliott Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to a full- or part-time student pursuing a degree in the School of Business. Preference will be given to junior or senior level students. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered.
Julia Dabney Taylor and Bertie Vaughan Dabney Scholarship
Awarded to juniors or seniors majoring in business.
Julie V. Bova Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to a graduate student in the Master of Business Administration program. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered. Two letters of recommendation attesting to the applicant’s values of mutual respect for others, a commitment to excellence, and the ability not only to do things right, but to do the right thing will be required. Scholarship recipients will be known as Bova Scholars.
Louise and Jack T. Lynn Scholarship
Awarded to juniors or seniors whose major is in the School of Business.
Mark Schirmer Annual Scholarship
Awarded to students pursuing or furthering a degree or continuing their education in the School of Business to provide financial assistance for education-related expenses.
Nuvell Financial Services Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time student in the School of Business majoring in finance, accounting, or computer information systems. Preference will be given to students currently employed in the finance/accounting/computer information systems industry. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered along with dedication to the profession.
Paul Williams Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time student seeking any degree with the School of Business. Preference will be given to junior or senior level students. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered.
Simmons First National Bank Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time student in the School of Business. Preference will be given to a junior level student who has attended UA Little Rock for one-year full-time prior to receiving the award. Financial need will be considered.
Student Success Fund Scholarship
For students with identifiable financial needs.
Sutton Family Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to full- or part-time student with a major in the School of Business. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered.
Suzanne and Paul Davis Scholarship
Awarded to juniors or seniors whose major is in the School of Business.
Tandie L. Kenser Scholarship
Awarded to students pursuing or furthering a degree or continuing their education in the School of Business to provide financial assistance for education-related expenses.
William Andrew Treadway, III Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time junior or senior in the School of Business. Preference will be given to those students who have a “middle of the road” GPA, are in good academic standing and who have financial need.
William H. McLean Fund
Awarded to juniors or seniors with a major in the School of Business, who demonstrate academic merit and financial need. Applicants must have achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and maintain that during the term of the award. Applicants are asked to write a personal essay describing their educational background and career goals and submit transcripts and letters of recommendation. Past recipients are eligible to re-apply.
Accounting Society Scholarship
Beta Alpha Psi Scholarship
BKD, LLP Scholarship
Awarded to students who have completed Intermediate Accounting II, have at least a 3.0 overall GPA and have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in accounting course work above Principles. Applicants must show promise for a career in public accounting.
CPA Scholarship
Eligibility requires Junior standing, minimum 3.5 GPA, and minimum of 6 completed hours of upper-level accounting.
Frost, PLLC Accounting Scholarship
Full-time student pursuing an undergraduate degree in accounting; be enrolled in a junior or senior accounting course, be an Arkansas resident, preference given to students with a 3.0 GPA or above.
George Foster and Richard Fleming Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time student who is majoring in accounting and has a desire to practice public accounting as a career. Preference will be given to juniors and seniors. Applicants must have a recommendation from a member of the accounting faculty. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered. Additionally, the recipient must maintain a 2.6 GPA during the scholarship award period.
Mark and Ann Langston Endowed Scholarship
Full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate level student majoring in accounting. GPA 3.0 or higher. Academic accomplishment strongly considered.
Robert C. Culpepper Accounting Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time student who is majoring in accounting. While financial need will be considered, demonstrated merit and academic accomplishment are of greater importance.
Russel Brown Annual Scholarship
To provide a scholarship in accounting.
Terri D. Thompson Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time sophomore, junior or senior level student majoring in accounting. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered.
Economics and Finance
Arkansas Life Underwriters Trust Fund Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time student majoring in insurance or a related field within the School of Business. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required. Financial need, and to a lesser degree, academic accomplishment will be considered.
Arkansas Real Estate Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Shall be to provide assistance for any education related expenses, including tuition, books, fees, and room and board for students pursuing or furthering a degree in real estate at UA Little Rock.
Ashvin P. Vibhakar Endowed Scholarship
The purpose of the A.P. Vibhakar Endowed Scholarship shall be to assist with any education-related expenses, including but not limited to tuition, books, fees, and room and board, for minority students majoring in international business, finance or real estate at UA Little Rock.
Bill B. May Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time student majoring in economics and einance with the intent of pursuing a career in banking. Preference will be given to juniors and seniors who have a 2.25 – 2.5 GPA and who do not have great financial need nor qualify for the Pell Grant.
Billy and Betty Brumbelow Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to full- or part-time students majoring in insurance. Preference will be given to juniors and seniors who are working toward a four-year degree. Financial need is to be considered more strongly than academic accomplishment.
C.H. Richter Memorial Scholarship
Awarded annually to a deserving and qualified student majoring in one of the following: real estate, insurance, or mortgage banking.
Charles M. Taylor II Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time student pursuing an undergraduate degree. Applicant must have a declared major in finance with an emphasis in real estate, property management, mortgage banking, or insurance, and must maintain a 3.0 GPA during the term of the scholarship. Academic achievement and financial need will be considered.
James H. Penick Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to seniors majoring in economics or finance who have a career objective of working in commercial banking or finance.
Jimmy R. Newell Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time (minimum 9 semester hours) student majoring in insurance or a field closely related to insurance within the Department of Finance and Economics. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA in the major. While financial need is considered, academic accomplishment and the recipient’s career desires within the insurance industry will have a stronger bearing on the selection process.
L. Dickson Flake Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to a full or part-time student majoring in finance with a preference for an emphasis in real estate. Preference given to junior or senior-level students, academic accomplishment, and financial need will be strongly considered.
Norman Farris Bank Award
Awarded to a junior finance major, preferably interested in banking with a minimum GPA of 2.5. Applicant must demonstrate leadership, personal integrity, financial need, and be an Arkansas resident.
Raymond Rebsamen Insurance Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to a junior or senior student majoring in insurance or a field related to insurance. Academic standing will be the primary consideration. Financial need will also be considered.
William C. Goolsby Endowed Scholarship in Real Estate
Awarded to a full-time or part-time student majoring in finance or minoring in real estate. Preference will be given to juniors and seniors or graduate students who are concentrating in finance or real estate. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on at least the 30 hours prior to applying for this scholarship. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered.
Business Information Systems
Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield Business Information Systems Scholarship
The recipient shall be a full- or part-time undergraduate student majoring in business information systems. Preference will be given to junior and senior level students. A 3.0 GPA or higher is required. Financial need will be strongly considered.
Business Information Systems Scholarship
Awarded to full or part-time student majoring in BINS. Preference will be given to junior or senior and resident of Arkansas. Academic accomplishment and financial need strongly considered.
USAble Life Insurance Company Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to a full or part-time student majoring in business information systems. Preference give to junior and senior level students. A 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA is required.
Francis Alan “Pete” Russ Management Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time graduate or undergraduate student with a declared major in management. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered.
Sheila and Gene Castin Scholarship
Awarded to a full- or part-time student majoring in Management. Preference will be given to junior and senior level students. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered.
Virginia Bailey Rotary Entrepreneurship Scholarships
Awarded to a student majoring in entrepreneurship.
Charliss Russ Marketing and Advertising Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time student majoring in marketing and advertising. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered.
Marketing Department Scholarship
Awarded to students majoring in marketing.
Rotary Rainwater Scholarship
Shall be to provide assistance for any education related expenses, including but not limited to tuition, books, fees and room and board, for non-traditional students pursuing a degree in marketing or advertising in the Department of Marketing and Advertising in the College of Business at UA Little Rock.
Steve and Paulette Edison Marketing Scholarship
Awarded to a full- or part-time students majoring in marketing. Financial need will be the most strongly considered criteria. Recipients shall maintain a 2.5 GPA.
Television Broadcasters of Arkansas Scholarship
Awarded to provide financial assistance for any education-related expenses, including but not limited to tuition, books, fees, and room, and board, for students pursuing or furthering a degree or continuing their education at UA Little Rock.
Thomas E. Steves Sr. Memorial Alumni Endowment Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time or part-time student majoring in marketing or advertising. Preference will be given to part-time junior and senior level students. Recipients must have a minimum GPA of 2.50 and be attending classes on campus. Academic accomplishment and financial need will be strongly considered.