Institutional Effectiveness Committee – 2019


The work of the IEC will lead faculty, staff, students and other university stakeholders to a shared understanding of the university’s mission, values, and identity. This initiative also will help build community and trust through documentation and transparency for all planning, resource allocation, and continuous improvement processes. Ultimately, the initiative will ensure a strong, effective future for UA Little Rock by facilitating sustainable, systematic, and data-informed processes for integrating planning, budgeting and improvement.

IEC Nov 2019 Update to Feb 2019 Report

Goals and Strategies

It is important to keep in mind that the primary and ultimate goal for our institution is sustainable effectiveness in serving our mission. Our current Strategic Plan speaks to this overall goal with specific emphasis on student success, human resources, research and creative endeavors, community engagement, and diversity/global understanding. Although we will be updating our institutional strategic plan in the next few years and will be developing new strategies for a variety of objectives, everything we do must eventually rise to this singular commitment. The creation of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee is directly related to this goal in that it is charged with assessing institutional effectiveness and making recommendations regarding strategic planning and resource allocation.

The IEC has a three-part charge going forward:

General, Ongoing Charge

The IEC shall facilitate continuous improvement towards the goal of sustainable effectiveness in serving our mission through the following strategies: 1) regular review of campus units for institutional effectiveness, 2) review of, and participation in the planning and budgeting process, 3) collection and review of strategic and operational planning documents for the purpose of facilitating an integrated planning approach, and 4) the review of any other information or processes germane to continuous improvement outcomes.

Structural Charge

The IEC shall establish a process for ongoing review of institutional effectiveness of campus units. It shall also recommend an ongoing planning and budgeting process in collaboration with the UA Little Rock Budget Office and other appropriate governance bodies at the institution. A long-term structural goal is to incorporate the IEC into the formal governance structure of this institution.

Short-Term Charge

For the remainder of fiscal year 2020, the Chancellor requests the following from the IEC:

  1. Provide a recommended process for at least the budgeting part of the annual planning and budgeting process by the end of October 2019.
  2. Provide recommendations to the Chancellor for resource allocation review in three stages. Provide the first set (which may be based on the February 2019 report) by the end of October. Provide the second set by the end of February 2020, and the third set by the end of May 2020.
  3. By the end of the fiscal year, or shortly thereafter, submit a recommendation for a full planning and budgeting process for review by the campus community and campus leadership.

IEC Membership, AY 2019-2020

Co-Chair: Dr. Simon Hawkins, Donaghey Scholars Honors Program Director and Associate Professor of Anthropology
Co-Chair: Dr. Brian Berry, Dean, Graduate School and Vice Provost of Research

Dr. Ann Bain, Dean, College of Education and Health Professions
Emily Bell, Director, Study Abroad
Dr. Belinda Blevins-Knabe, Professor of Psychology
Dr. Thomas Bunton, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services
Dr. Cody Decker, Associate Provost of Institutional Research and Analytics and Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Dr. Sarah Beth Estes, Dean of the College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
Dr. Erin Finzer, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Michael Flannery, Professor and Associate Dean, William H. Bowen School of Law
Dr. Richard Harper, Dean of Students, Student Affairs
Christopher Hamilton, Executive Director of Advancement Services, Alumni and Development
John Hendon, Senior Instructor of Management, College of Business
Mandy Hull, Associate General Counsel, Ex Officio
Laura McClellan, Assistant Director, Center for Arkansas History and Culture
Dave Millay, Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities Management
Dr. Amanda Nolen, Professor, School of Education and Faculty Senate President
Dr. Mary Parker, Professor, Criminal Justice
Dr. Mia Phillips, Director of Multicultural Center
Dr. Kyleen Prewett, Associate Professor of Accounting, Ex Officio
Linda Teater, Ex. Director of Budget and Financial Analysis
Dr. David Tonkyn, Professor, Chair of Biology
Judy Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor, Communications and Marketing, Ex Officio
Dr. Andrew Wright, Associate Professor, Systems Engineering

Members of the IEC Committee were appointed by the Chancellor from among the Summer 2018 Integrated Planning Retreat participants who have demonstrated an institutional perspective and a willingness to serve. They represent both academic and non-academic units from across the university.