Peer Academic Leader (PAL) Mentor Program

What Are PAL Mentors?

  • A Peer Academic Leader (PAL) Mentor serves as a role model and content expert on the UA Little Rock student experience and provides this expertise during PEAW 1300 class time and co-curricular activities.
  • PAL Mentors successfully passed and earned a grade of “B” or above in PEAW 1300 and exhibited leadership skills while enrolled in the course.
  • 2022-23: The PAL Mentor program was piloted with four student leaders.
  • 2023-24: A PAL Mentor is assigned to each of the ten Fall 2023 Face-To-Face general PEAW class sections.

Who Are The PAL Mentors

PAL Mentors were asked two questions (see below).  Scroll to see how each responded!

  1. “What makes you unique or what can you do, unlike no other PAL Mentor, to guide students on their self, major, and career exploration journey so that they are confirmed in these areas by the end of the semester?” and
  2. “Why do students deserve you as their PAL Mentor?”

Jasmine Clark | Junior | Biology Major

When it comes to the success of others, I have a unique motivation to guide those who are uncertain of what their future may hold. College comes with many obstacles that everyone will eventually encounter. Therefore, as a PAL Mentor, I will encourage you to not only overcome your obstacles, but help you find your purpose.

Hala Issa | Sophomore | Medical  Lab Sciences 

What makes me unique as a PAL Mentor is my experience. I am not originally from the U.S. and I spent a lot of my life moving around so I understand what it is like to be in a new place.  Moving so much led into my journey of adapting to different environments which has taught me self-reliance and adaptability.. I had to figure out many things on my own, from understanding new rules to making friends and creating connections in unfamiliar places. I also was lost going into college and didn’t know what I wanted to do. This experience helped create a unique ability to guide students through their own explorations and uncertainties. I hope I can be good guidance to first year students and lead them in their college journey.


Rana Olwan | Junior | Computer Science   

Unlike any other PAL Mentor, I bring a unique blend of personal experiences and professional expertise that perfectly aligns with the needs of PEAW students. Having navigated a similar academic journey myself, I understand the challenges and uncertainties that can arise during self-discovery, major selection, and career exploration. My background in college counseling equips me with the tools to provide tailored guidance, ensuring students not only explore their options but gain deep insights into their own strengths and passions.


Takia Palmer | Junior | Health Education

What makes me unique is that I’m a go-getter; I don’t like things just handed to me, I like to put in the work and see the results play out. I can give students “the real” on how the college experience really is because I was one of those freshmen that didn’t have any guidance first coming in. Also, I came from a whole different state, Texas. I’m far from home and I hope to connect with you and get you through this process not just by yourself but with me too. You deserve me as your mentor because I am fun and outgoing and am ready to teach and guide you through this fun journey.


Talia Palmer | Junior | Health Education

What makes me unique is I’m very outgoing, adventurous and I’m an identical twin. What I can do is, help expand your thinking and look at your major and career exploration in many different ways so you’ll know if that’s what you really want to do.  You deserve me as a PAL Mentor because I could help guide you into your first semester of college so it could be a little easier. Also, I’ll be here for you if the professor can’t at the moment!


Dawn Summons | Junior | Special Education

As a PAL Mentor, my experience and wisdom as an adult student can offer insights to aid new students on their college journey. I can also offer personalized guidance, support, and encouragement. The inspiration I will give new students is to do goal setting and always have a current daily schedule that breaks down classes, study time, and free time, along with looking for college resources that will benefit their college life. Students deserve me as a PAL Mentor for transitional support, personal growth, academic success, and career readiness. By fostering a supportive and encouraging relationship, I can significantly impact the college experience.


Jonathan Tribett | Sophomore | Communication Sciences and Disorders

I feel that I can offer unique insights and help students for multiple reasons. During my time here I have not been especially social, partially out of anxiety and partly by choice.  Regardless this has caused me to put far more focus into building connections with my professors and understanding and utilizing resources on and off campus to boost my academic journey. Having connections and good rapport with staff and professors has not only given me resources but also invaluable opportunities. Staying on the path of resources I was born with albinism causing vision loss, which has given me an understanding of overcoming challenges and utilizing the campus resource, Disability Resource Center.  By being a PAL, I can help incoming students go from being lost and confused to confident and independent Trojan Master Students!  All of you can and will kill it in college so let’s do it my fellow Trojan Master Students!

Tierra Whitaker | Senior | Civil Engineering

“Go out and live a transformed life.” Those are the words of Michael Todd. It is not just a    phrase, but a principle that I hope to guide you to. There are a million obstacles in college that you will face. Some will be easy, others will be challenging. Fortunately, my role as a mentor is to help and push you through each moment so you can reach your full potential. I will always be sure to be transparent and open no matter the circumstances. The world is constantly evolving, and the school system is with it. Let’s work together to ensure that the college system does not conform us, but transforms us.

Rainey Wilkins | Sophomore | General Studies

As a PAL Mentor my goal is to help students understand more about our campus, learn about their career choices, and share what benefited me while taking PEAW. Something that makes me unique is that I took some time off from school to focus on myself and decide what I really wanted to do for my career. Therefore, I am very understanding of new students, and know it can be a big adjustment coming to college and picking a major. I hope to bring support and help to everyone in class with my knowledge of PEAW, and I’m always willing to help out or answer any questions I can regarding not only class, but also about the UALR campus in general.