For most courses at the William H. Bowen School of Law, professors schedule final examinations at the end of the semester. The law school’s policies governing the taking and scheduling of exams, such as the procedure for requesting an alternate date, rescheduling of exams due to inclement weather, and disability accommodations are available online.

Students should familiarize themselves with these policies well in advance of the examination period each semester:

Rescheduling an Exam

Students are expected to take each course’s exam when it is scheduled.  In cases of extraordinary hardship, a student may request an alternate exam date from the faculty member involved.  To request an alternate date for an exam, first read the Alternate Exam Policies and Procedure information sheet; then complete the Alternate Exam Date Request Form and give it to the faculty member teaching the course.  Professors have full discretion to decide whether to grant such requests.

Using Computers to Take Exams

It is up to your professor to decide whether to let students type their scheduled exams on computers.  If a professor gives you that option and you elect to use that method of writing your exam, you must use the approved exam software.  The Bowen School of Law furnishes the exam software to you free of charge.  You are encouraged to download and experiment with the software to see if you want to take your exams that way.

To use the computer typing option, you will have to comply with the following requirements each semester:

  • If you are a Windows user, install any critical updates by using the Windows Update page.
  • Update and run your virus software, doing a full system scan. We recommend Avast which offers a free version. Clean any adware/spyware/malware from your computer.
  • Download and install the exam software currently approved by the Associate Dean.  An email will be sent to you each semester with instructions for downloading the exam software and the exam files for each class allowing typing. This usually occurs near reading period.
  • Test the exam software on your computer by typing and saving a practice exam.  Use the supplied “Practice Exam” for this. The password to access the exam is “practice.”

Computing Services staff is available to help if you have any problems installing or using the test software (501-916-3995).

Disability Accommodations for Exams

It is UA Little Rock’s policy to create inclusive learning environments. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of a course that result in barriers to your inclusion or to accurate assessment of achievement – such as time-limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos – please notify the instructor as soon as possible. Students are also welcome to contact the Disability Resource Center, telephone 501-916-3143 (v/tty).

Practice Exams

The Law Library has a collection of sample exams available at the circulation desk.