The Computing Services Department at the UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law provides support for academic and administrative computing and the technology related needs of law students, faculty, and staff. Computing Services maintains the law school’s computers, printers and three student computer labs. Computing Services also maintains the building’s network including the wireless network. Computing Services develops and provides support for the law school’s state-of-the-art classroom equipment including the lecture capture system.
Office: Library first floor – Room 138
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Telephone: 501-916-3995
Wireless access is available throughout the law school building for law students, faculty, and staff. The wireless system authenticates with a NetID. Law students, faculty, and staff can find their NetIDs and set their passwords in BOSS (under Personal Information > Change Passwords or View Usernames).
Two computer labs, located in the Law Library, are available for all students to use. The Ottenheimer Lab (Room 140) houses 14 computers and the Training Lab (Room 137) has 11. All of the computers run on the Windows platform and are connected to the campus network and the Internet. All computers have CD/DVD drives and USB ports. Software available in the labs includes Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, and Adobe Reader.
Lab computers also have access to Westlaw, Lexis, and CALI lessons. The labs are available for student use during library hours, except when training sessions are in progress. If one of the labs is closed for training, the other lab will remain open. All computer use is governed by the UA Little Rock Acceptable Use Policy and Bowen’s Computer Lab Rules.
There are two laser printers located in the Ottenheimer lab. Laser printers are also located on the second, third, and fourth floors of the library and in the library lobby for printing from a laptop on the wireless network. Instructions are available for installing these printers on your laptop. Law students have a per-semester printing quota of 500 pages. See the Printing Policy for details.
We strongly advise that you install programs on your laptop to keep it free of viruses and other malware. We recommend Avast which offers a free version. Remember, only one virus protection product can be installed on your computer at a time. They will conflict with each other if multiple programs are in use.
If your laptop computer is infected with a virus or other malware, we will be glad to help you remove it. Call or come by the Computing Services office in the Law Library.
Some of your courses at Bowen might be recorded for later viewing and further study. This is especially helpful while studying for finals or to better understand an important class topic. If the professor has authorized the recording of classes and allowed them to be auto-published, these “Lecture Captures” are available here.
To gain access you must be enrolled in the course and know your NetID and password which can be set in BOSS. Each semester’s recordings are removed after finals.