Are you a current or incoming student at the William H. Bowen School of Law who is searching for a roommate? If so, this service is for you.

To participate:

  1. Join this Google Group. You must use your email account to join.
  2. Once your membership has been confirmed, you will be able to participate.

Once you are a member:

  1. You can control how you receive email from the group. See how to adjust your settings.
  2. There are two ways to post to the group:
    1. Go to the group itself, or
    2. Send an email to the group. You can only send emails using your email address.
  3. Replying to the group is possible:
    1. Within the group itself, or
    2. By replying to a group message in your inbox.
    3. Group members are able to contact each other directly via email or through the group list.

Suggestions for posting:

  1. If you have space or are looking for space,
  2. If your space is a house, apartment, condo, etc.,
  3. Distance to the law school,
  4. Your law school year,
  5. If you are a day or evening division student,
  6. Are pets allowed (or do you have pets),
  7. The rental amount the roommate would pay (or that you, as a roommate, are willing to pay), and
  8. How to contact you.

Remember to update your listing once you find a roommate.

The law school is not responsible for advertising nor for placements. Listings are moderated to prevent spam, but are otherwise unverified. The group is moderated by the law school to ensure members are law school students.

If you encounter a problem with this service, please email us.