Open Access @ UA Little Rock

Virtual Presentation Event

As part of International Open Access Week, the UA Little Rock Ottenheimer Library, in partnership with UA Little Rock eLearning and with support of ATLE, will offer a virtual presentation/discussion about recent open access (OA) developments at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Open access is a publishing model for scholarly communication that makes research available to readers at no cost, instead of the traditional model in which readers have access via paid individual and institutional subscriptions.

Presenters: J B Hill, Dean, and Chris Stewart, Discovery & Metadata Coordinator, Ottenheimer Library.

Thursday, October 24, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00 pm (via Zoom)Recording (Hosted by eLearning, edited by Abolade Salami).

Discussion topics include:

  • Open access opportunities and challenges
  • Faculty OA publishing activity (based on a review of faculty publications)
  • Faculty perception of OA publishing (based on a recent faculty survey)
  • Library support for OA publishing
  • Library support for OA hosting.

International Open Access Week, now in its seventeenth year, celebrates “Community over Commercialization” during the week of October 21. The week is an opportunity for scholars to engage their communities in discussions about the benefits of open access. Ottenheimer Library’s presentation is just one of many opportunities to explore the latest developments in OA. For more information visit the International Open Access Week website.

International Open Access Week