A purchase order is an official document from UA Little Rock that serves multiple purposes.
- It is a contract between the University and the supplier, and contractually establishes the exact commodity or service to be purchased, the price, and the terms and conditions of the transaction (delivery cost and requirements, for example).
- It is an official document indicating to the supplier that UA Little Rock has authorized the expenditure and that the employee placing the order has the authority to do so.
- It causes the budget commitment (encumbrance) prior to the purchase, as required by state law.
- It allows the execution of the goods receipt and payment of the invoice.
With the exception of P-card orders, a UA Little Rock system-generated purchase order must always be generated, approved, and presented to the supplier for order placement (some exceptions apply). Exceptions would need to be approved on a case-by-case basis in writing by the Agency Procurement Officer (APO). The supplier’s acceptance of the purchase order indicates his acceptance of the terms outlined in the agreement.
No goods or services are to be received prior to the supplier’s receipt of a copy of the signed purchase order. An invoice or receipt of goods or services which pre-dates the purchase order is an audit finding and can be written up as such.
The total price of the purchase must be agreed upon in advance. If UA Little Rock is paying freight, and the exact cost for shipping is not known when the purchase order is generated, the cost should be estimated and included as a line item on the purchase order. The text for that item should indicate that the amount is an estimate that will be adjusted upon receipt of the invoice.
Find a Purchase Order
To find a purchase order in Workday you search for any of the following:
- My Requisitions
- Find Requisition
- Find Purchase Order
Enter any search criteria to narrow down your results and click “OK.”
Printable Version of a Purchase Order
To print or download a printable version of an approved PO click the related actions icon to the right of the PO number, select Purchase Order, then Printable Version. You will then need to click “OK” then “Refresh” until the download reaches 100% and the PDF is made available.
Change Orders
A department may ask for a change or amendment to an outstanding purchase order. Procurement Services determines if a change is possible. The department must send a request to Procurement Services through Workday or an email routed through all required approvers indicating the purchase order number, supplier name, and the nature of the desired change. If allowable, Procurement Services will change the purchase order. If not, Procurement Services will notify the department. A requesting department should not make direct contact with a supplier to change a purchase order without prior approval from Procurement Services.
Purchase Order Cancellation
A department may ask for a change or amendment to an outstanding purchase order. Procurement Services determines if a change is possible. The department must send a request to Procurement Services through Workday or an email routed through all required approvers indicating the purchase order number, supplier name, and the nature of the desired change. If allowable, Procurement Services will change the purchase order. If not, Procurement Services will notify the department. A requesting department should not make direct contact with a supplier to change a purchase order without prior approval from Procurement Services.