Grant Guidelines

Signature Experience Grants

Grant Guidelines

1. Paid research assistants may not request Signature Experience funding for their paid research project.

2. Signature Experience applications are student-initiated, but mentors are responsible for submitting the application and ensuring that the information is accurate and that the abstract is ready for publication without the need for major editing.

3. Grant funds may not be used as stipends, scholarships, or supplemental salary. In accepting a Signature Experience grant, I affirm that the funds from this research grant will be used solely to support the research, creative work, or professional application involved with this project. I affirm that no expenditures may be used towards regular educational expenses such as tuition, fees, course textbooks, etc. I also affirm that expenditures will comply with state law, university policy, and UA Little Rock Travel and Purchasing guidelines.

4. If your project involves human subjects, vertebrate animals, or hazardous materials, approval from one of the following committees must be obtained before you begin research: IRB (research involving human subjects), IACUC (research involving vertebrate animals) or IBC (research involving hazardous materials). Information and required forms can be found on the Research Compliance site.

5. Research or creative projects must be completed by the end of the following spring semester (i.e. if you get a signature in the Fall 2023 cycle, you will need to present in the Spring 2024 Research and Creative Works Expo). Grant recipients must submit their projects for presentation at the spring Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Showcase.

6. Details on how to spend, track, and account for research funds will be distributed with the award.

7. Please direct any questions to Dr. Michael E. Moore,