Frequently Asked Questions

What is a co-op?
When a student earns academic credit for their internship or job, we refer to this as a co-op.

Can any internship or job be approved for co-op credit?
No. The internship or job duties must be associated with the student’s major or minor.

Are co-op courses offered in every field of study?
No. Learn about the available co-op courses.

Are co-op courses free?
No. Tuition for a co-op course is the same as any course. However, in some cases, we offer delayed credit which means a student can do the co-op in one semester or term, and enroll in the co-op course to receive credit in the next semester or term.

What is the co-op process?
Learn about the co-op process.

Are co-op courses offered year-round?

Can a co-op course be repeated?
It depends on the course. Check out the co-op course descriptions.

Are co-op classes held in a classroom?
No. The worksite is the “classroom”.

Will my work supervisor be involved in my co-op?
Yes. Your work supervisor will be required to complete a Supervisor Pre-Assessment, Co-op Employer Questionnaire, and Supervisor Post Assessment of your work performance.  Learn more about the co-op process.

How will my work supervisor receive the required Supervisor Pre-Assessment, Co-op Employer Questionnaire and Supervisor Post Assessment?
Over the course of the semester or term, the cooperative education coordinator will email the paperwork to the work supervisor.

How are co-op courses graded?
All co-op courses, except Business Co-op courses, receive a letter grade.  Business Co-op courses are credit or no credit.

Who will grade the co-op course?
The faculty co-op advisor grades the Co-op course.

Who are the faculty co-op advisors?
Contact for more information.

How can I request to do a co-op?
Complete the Co-op Position Request Form .

Who do I contact for questions about Cooperative Education?
Contact us at