Trojan Career Closet

Need professional clothing for an interview or event? Come “shop” our free closet! To schedule a shopping appointment, email or call 501-916-3021.

Members of the UA Little Rock campus and the surrounding community are donating gently used business attire to benefit hard-working students like you. These items have been cleaned, organized, and made ready to help you dress for success.

Smiling student in business professional outfit.Smiling student in professional clothing.

Type of Items Available

  • Suits, Blazers, Jackets
  • Trousers, Skirts, Dresses
  • Blouses, Sweaters, Button-down Dress Shirts
  • Bags/Briefcases
  • Ties/Bow Ties, Belts

Hours of Operation and Location

The Trojan Career Closet will be available for students to access by appointment. To schedule a shopping appointment, email or call 501-916-3021. The Career Closet is located on the first floor of the Reynolds Business Building at the corner of 28th and S. University.


The average student attends several interviews throughout his or her college and professional career. Many students find it difficult to afford attire for interviews, while others are misinformed about what is appropriate attire. In the spring of 2016, the Division of Student Affairs, College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences, and College of Education and Health Professions worked together to create the Trojan Career Closet, whose mission is to encourage students to be career-focused and to dress for professional success. During the 2016 spring semester, 150 students earned the opportunity to “shop” through attending a career-focused workshop. Community, Careers, and Extended Education assumed responsibility for the Trojan Career Closet in spring 2017.


We are not currently accepting donations.