UA Little Rock offers a Master of Science in Chemistry which is a blend of traditional and nontraditional innovative courses that reflect the needs of modern chemistry. The masters program will prepare students for careers in government or industrial research or for doctoral study. Our students have access to research-quality instrumentation and computer facilities, as well as individual attention and instruction from award-winning faculty.

View the list of courses and their descriptions.

Applied Science Ph.D. – Applied Chemistry Emphasis

The Chemistry Program also partners with the Applied Science Program in offering the Applied Science Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry.

Early Admission to Graduate School

Academically talented undergraduate chemistry students may schedule courses on an accelerated basis and enroll in selected graduate courses during their senior year. Students could earn a master’s degree one year after completing their B.S. degree. This program is an option only for students who have excellent academic records for the first three years of undergraduate study and have completed the suggested 108 hours of undergraduate work through the junior year. Permission for early enrollment in graduate courses must be obtained from the dean of the Graduate School and on the recommendation of the graduate coordinator. Students registered for graduate credit in dual-listed (4000/5000) courses are responsible for additional assigned work.

Graduate Assistantships

A limited number of graduate assistantships are available. Contact the program coordinator to learn more. International applicants for teaching assistantships must have an overall score of at least 50 on the Test of Spoken English.

Admission Requirements

  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75, or 3.0 in the last 60 hours
  • Entering students will be counseled and placed in appropriate courses based on their performances on placement tests in the four sub-disciplines of chemistry

View the Steps to Apply to the UA Little Rock Graduate School.

Graduation Requirements

  • Cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
  • Successful completion of written thesis and oral defense

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