Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies

The Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies is for students who are interested in a variety of areas and aren’t content to study just one discipline. Combine your passions and create a degree path that works for you.

Whether you are attending college for the first time, looking for advancement in your career, or searching for a path toward law school or graduate school, an interdisciplinary studies degree will provide you with the opportunity to learn how to expand your knowledge base across a variety of subjects.

Our students are able to explore the strengths of multiple fields, making them more well-rounded critical thinkers who are ready for the job market or bigger academic pursuits.

This degree is offered both in person and fully online. Learn more about the online degree option.


The unique nature of the program requires students to work closely with an advisor to develop a cohesive and individualized degree plan. Students are required to meet with their advisor each semester in order to gauge progress. Advising provides students with opportunities for guidance, support, and accountability.

Career Opportunities

Interdisciplinary Studies equips students with the adaptability and resiliency needed to be a desirable candidate for a variety of careers. Our students learn how to communicate effectively and think critically, which are vital skills for both academic and career success.

Many of our graduates have chosen careers in public relations, teaching, nonprofits, social services, management, writing, graphic design, and business, among others. The interdisciplinary studies degree is also an appealing avenue for students wishing to go to law school or graduate school.

Interdisciplinary Offerings

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