Fostering Knowledge of the Middle East

The Middle Eastern Studies Program at UA Little Rock is an interdisciplinary program endowed by the University of Arkansas King Fahd Fund for Middle Eastern Studies. The Program’s chief goal is to foster knowledge of the Middle East among the UA Little Rock campus community and the community of Little Rock and the state of Arkansas.

Our program has a dedicated group of faculty specializing in the Middle East. We offer a series of courses on the Middle East, along with a minor and certificate of proficiency in Middle Eastern Studies.

The program also conducts frequent events (lectures, conferences, films, etc.) on the Middle East aimed at the academic community and the public. Because of the generous endowment, the Program is able to distribute grant funding among UA Little Rock faculty and students interested in pursuing specific scholarly endeavors. The UA Little Rock Ottenheimer Library has a large and growing collection of books, periodicals, and other sources on the Middle East. The Program also funds UA Little Rock student participation in the Model Arab League and other simulation programs.

For more information, please contact Dr. Rebecca Glazier, MEST Coordinator, at

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