
The Middle Eastern Studies program faculty is comprised of professors from four different disciplines who bring together a great breadth of knowledge concerning the region.

If you would like to learn more about the Middle Eastern Studies Program, please contact the coordinator, Dr. Rebecca Glazier.

Rebecca Glazier
Professor of Political Science, Coordinator of the Middle Eastern Studies program
Ph.D., University of California – Santa Barbara
Fields: Religion and Politics, Framing, Interfaith Work, Religion and Community, and International Relations of the Middle East

Katrina Yeaw
Assistant Professor of History
Ph.D., Georgetown University
Fields: Gender, Race, Colonialism, Violence, Memory, Law, Resistance and Collaboration, and Colonial/Post-Colonial

Neveen Shafeek Amin
Associate Professor of Sociology
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Fields: Health Disparities, Migration, Mental health, Religion and Health, Education, Family, particularly as they relate to immigrants from the Middle East.

Simon Hawkins
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Ph.D., University of Chicago
Fields: Gender Issues, Nationalism, and Religion in the Middle East and North Africa

Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm
Professor of Political Science
Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder
Fields: Conflict Studies, Human Rights and Transitional Justice in the Middle East