National Payroll Week

The Payroll Office invites you to come by and join us in celebrating “National Payroll Week.” Many employers, employees, and payroll professionals will be celebrating this week, September 1 – 5.

What is National Payroll Week and why celebrate this week?

National Payroll Week was founded by the American Payroll Association and it was developed to:

  • Celebrate the hard work of 156 million American wage earners and the payroll professionals who pay them.
  • Recognize payroll professionals for their hard work, dedication, and for getting paychecks out on time.
  • Celebrate everyone’s favorite day: PAYDAY!

“Through the payroll withholding system, payroll professionals contribute, collect, report, and deposit approximately $1.97 trillion, or 68.9% of the annual revenue of the U.S. Treasury.” (

Linda, Katrina, Sharon, and Cheryl invite you to come by to say hello, sign up for or change your direct deposit, update your tax forms, or for any other service that we may be able to provide.

Please stop by or take the online survey and let us know how we are doing and ways that we can improve our services. Also, we invite you to register for a prize drawing. Finally, as a thank you for coming by, you will receive a special “PayDay.”

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you this week.

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