Updated March 8, 2024
This page contains current guidance for our campus community. If you have questions, please contact Health Services at health@ualr.edu or 501-916-3188.
If you test positive for COVID-19 or other respiratory illness or simply have symptoms, follow CDC guidelines for when to return to campus. Isolation for a specific period of time is no longer required. For anyone experiencing symptoms of a respiratory virus, Health Services can test for COVID-19, flu, and/or strep.

Respiratory Virus Guidance Snapshot
Core prevention strategies: immunizations, hygiene, steps for cleaner air, treatment, stay home and prevent spread*
Additional prevention strategies: masks, distancing, tests
Layering prevention strategies can be especially helpful when:
- Respiratory viruses are causing a lot of illness in your community
- You or those around you have risk factors for severe illness
- You or those around you were recently exposed, are sick, or are recovering
* Stay home and away from others until, for 24 hours both (1) your symptoms are getting better AND (2) you are fever-free (without meds). Then take added precaution for the next 5 days.
The final COVID-19 numbers for UA Little Rock are posted here for historical reference.