If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, CALL 911 or have someone take you to the nearest emergency room.
Appointments are scheduled by calling Health Services at 501-916-3188.
Appointment Details
- Patients should plan to arrive at least 10 minutes before their scheduled appointment time. Patients arriving 10 or more minutes late may be asked to reschedule.
- Patients who need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, should call Health Services as soon as possible so we can offer that time slot to another patient. There is a $10 fee for missed appointments and cancellations not made at least 2 hours in advance.
- Patients who are exhibiting acute symptoms, but no appointment slots are available on the day they call, may ask to speak to a nurse. Based on the information provided, the nurse will triage the patient and determine if he/she should be seen that same day or should schedule an appointment for the next available day.
Patients can complete their medical history forms online
Completing medical history forms on-line, prior to the appointment time, will decrease the amount of time it takes patients to check-in when they arrive for their appointment. Once on the patient portal page, patients should click “Register” (top right corner) and complete the required information. Please keep track of the username and password as they will be needed to login in and view lab results and secure messages from providers. NOTE: Patients can not schedule appointments through the patient portal.
Read more information about who is eligible to receive medical care in Health Services and insurance information.