Animal Subjects and IRB

Human Subjects (IRB)

All research involving human participants conducted by faculty, staff, or students of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock must be reviewed and approved by the UA Little Rock Institutional Review Board (IRB). The UA Little Rock IRB operates according to the guidelines in the Code of Federal Regulations (45CFR46) and other state and institutional guidelines. For more information about the requirements for research involving human subjects and the UA Little Rock IRB, please visit the UA Little Rock IRB website.

Animal Subjects

All research or teaching that involves animal subjects must be reviewed and approved by the university’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The committee’s role is to ensure that faculty and students are properly trained to perform or conduct any procedures pertaining to the use of animals. UA Little Rock faculty and students must have an approved protocol on file even if they are conducting research outside of the campus. The IACUC meets every six months.


Angela Willis
MPA, CRA, Export Compliance Professional-EAR/ITAR | Research Associate