Streamlyne is UA Little Rock’s electronic research administration system. All sponsored projects (grants, contracts, and subawards) are initiated, routed, and approved in this system. The Streamlyne documentation for sponsored projects will become a permanent record of one’s external funding history at UA Little Rock.
Streamlyne Quick Reference Guides
Approving Proposals as an Approver
Approving Proposals as Co-PI or Key Person
Streamlyne Requests
ORSP Deadline
ORSP must receive your proposal or agreement at least five (5) business days before the sponsor’s submission deadline. (Policy 603.6).
- Proposals and agreements must be reviewed and signed by the appropriate university officials before submission, even if it is not required by the sponsor
- Proposals involving human subjects, animals, or biohazardous materials must go through the appropriate review boards early, preferably before you submit to ORSP
For proposal editing assistance, contact ORSP editor Lydia Perry at or 501-916-6227.
Required Documents to Submit With Your Proposal
- Proposal Authorization Request form-Still accepted during soft launch phase in fall 2021. Once we fully implement the system, this form will not longer be accepted.
Must include co-PI(s) (if applicable), department chair/unit director, dean, and college/unit signatures. ORSP will obtain the other signatures. - Detailed budget (or detailed budget with cost share)
- Budget justification
- Scope of work or project narrative
- Sponsor guidelines/RFP
- All sponsor-required proposal documents
- Protocol approval statements (if applicable)
- PI conflict of interest statement (if applicable)
View our frequently requested information for institutional information such as UA Little Rock’s identifiers, fringe benefits, and indirect cost rates.
ORSP Proposal Submission
After you submit your proposal to ORSP, we will review it and obtain the remaining institutional signatures. We will then submit the complete proposal to the sponsor.
In Streamlyne, approvers will receive an email to notify them to review and approve or send back your proposal. Once the designated approvers approve your proposal, ORSP will submit the complete proposal to the sponsor.
Pre-Award Contacts
Sharon Kaufman, BS, CRA
Associate Director
Becky Denman, BS, CRA
Grants and Contracts Specialist
Claibanne Chiechi, B.S.
Grants and Contracts Coordinator I