First Responders – You Are The First Contact

For Front Line Staff, Professors, Teaching Assistants, Etc.


If a student exhibits aggressive behavior, behaves erratically or you perceive a threat of violence or other unlawful behavior, call Department of Public Safety immediately. The Department of Public Safety has officers on duty 24/7. In case of emergency call 911. Department of Public Safety – 501-916-3400.


If a student is injured or exhibits symptoms of an illness that prevents him/her from participating in a university function Contact the Department of Public Safety or call 911 if the condition is off campus. Send the student to Health Services for minor illnesses. Health Services – 501-569-3188.

Psychological Distress Concern

For concerns such as depression, anxiety, agitation, disorientation and thoughts of harming self and/or others, respond directly, engage the student and promptly contact Counseling Services for support. Individual, couple and group therapy, drug and alcohol services, medication referral and crisis intervention are provided. Counseling Services – 501-916-3185.

Parental Concern

If a parent is concerned about a student’s welfare or a missing student, contact the Office of the Dean of Students. If the student resides on campus, contact the Campus Living or the Department of Public Safety. Dean of Students – 501-916-3328 Executive Director of Campus Living – 501-661-1743.

Disability Concern

If a student’s academic performance or participation in a university function are negatively impacted by barriers related to a disability, contact the Disability Resource Center. Disability Resource Center – 501-569-3143 Emergency Contact: Department of Public Safety -501-916-3400 or 911.