Addressing Student Conduct

UA Little Rock seeks to educate students in a safe and secure environment. This guide is prepared to assist you with potential situations that may arise and require an immediate response.


  • Outline classroom expectations and clearly state them in your syllabus
  • Early intervention helps ensure a quality academic environment
  • Address disruptive behaviors as they occur
  • Report violations and/or concerns
    immediately to the appropriate person(s), department or office:

Department of Public Safety: 501-916-3400
Dean of Students: 501-916-3328
Department Chair: Academic Dean

The student handbook contains the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Behavior, which describes prohibited behaviors for students. Prohibited behaviors include:

  • Academic dishonesty
  • Classroom disruption
  • Conduct inappropriate for an academic setting
  • Disrespect for authority
  • Lewd, indecent, and obscene behavior
  • Possession of firearm(s)
  • Physical abuse
  • Unauthorized entry
  • Unauthorized substance possession
  • Verbal abuse
  • Violation of the code of computer ethics and misuse of the computer system The complete Student Handbook can be found here.

Examples of classroom disruption and related behavioral issues may include:

  • Pattern of arriving late or leaving early
  • Profanity
  • Unauthorized eating or drinking
  • Inappropriate cell phone or tablet use (e.g. talking, texting, Facebooking, tweeting, instagramming, etc.)
  • Bringing children or guests to class without prior approval
  • Verbal, written, or electronic threats
  • Refusing to follow a directive
  • Harassment of faculty, students or staff
  • Exhibiting signs of intoxicants and/or illegal substances
  • Possession of firearms or other weapons
  • Behavior deemed disruptive by the faculty

Classroom/Office Disruptions FAQ

Q. In the event of a classroom disruption, when should I contact the Department of Public Safety?
A. If a student is posing a threat to self and/or others or becomes physically and/or verbally abusive, the Department of Public Safety should be contacted immediately and a report should be submitted to the Dean of Students office. Do not assume that aggressive behavior will stop on its own. Err on the side of caution.

Q. If I call the police or refer someone for disciplinary reasons and it turns out I made an honest mistake, will I be held liable?
A. The risk of liability is almost nonexistent. You cannot be held liable unless you act in bad faith, with knowledge the information was false, or act with malice (proven by previous ill-will, hostility, threats or rivalry).

Q. What should I do if a student is causing a disruption?
A. If the disruptive behavior does not stop you may ask the student to refrain from the disruptive behavior and ask that he/she see you after class, so you can address the problem (s) in private. If the disruptive behavior continues, you may ask the student to leave the class. If the student refuses to leave, call the Department of Public Safety at 501-916-3400.

Q. What should I be aware of when interacting with a distressed student?
A. It is important to know how to identify the distress and how to interact and handle the situation. Sometimes a student’s behavior will become disruptive and endanger others or interfere with classroom functions. Remember that you have the right to control the class for the good of all involved. Safety is always the top priority. You should call the Department of Public Safety at 501-916-3400 whenever you feel there is a threat of violence and/ or unlawful behavior. This includes a student’s refusal to leave after being asked to do so.

Q. If there is a concern about a student, am I in violation of FERPA if I contact the Department of Public Safety, Counseling & Career Planning or another University unit?
A. No, FERPA does not prevent you from talking to another University employee or unit about a student in distress, in order to assist the student or protect yourself/class from disruption or threat of violence.

Download a print version of this information here.

For questions or to report disruptive behavior, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 501-916-3328, DSC 215, or email

For immediate emergency response, call the Department of Public Safety at 501-916-3400.