On-Campus and Extramural Eligibility

On-Campus Eligibility

Eligibility status is the responsibility of each individual and the team manager. All UA Little Rock students, faculty and staff with current ID’s are eligible to compete in intramural sports except as otherwise posted in the rules. Any questions should be referred to the Coordinator of Intramural Sports. A team will forfeit any contest in which an ineligible player was used. According to Educational Students Services and Student Leadership policy, an individual who is not a current registered student at the UA Little Rock CANNOT coach any intramural or recreational sports team. Due to liability issues, a non-student can be a spectator but serve no other role during a game.


All participants must provide a current validated UA Little Rock ID before participating and must be affiliated with the university as a student or faculty/staff. To be considered a “student,” one must be currently enrolled for at least half of full-time requirements as an undergraduate or graduate student in the fall/spring semester. Individuals who enroll and then officially drop their courses are no longer considered eligible.

Part-time faculty/staff:

Part-time employees must provide written documentation from his/her department stating that he/she is currently employed by UA Little Rock with a minimum of 20 hours per week.

General Eligibility Rules:

The intramural sports staff cannot be responsible for checking the eligibility of all persons who participate in intramural sports. Each person is responsible for meeting eligibility requirements. Managers should confirm the players on their rosters. Managers are urged to warn or question opposing teams and players prior to the event if there is any concern with eligibility.

After entering one contest in an activity with a given team, players may not transfer to another team during that same activity. If players transfer to another team after one game has been played, such players may be declared ineligible for that sport for the remainder of the year.

  • Players becoming injured during a sport can be replaced before their next scheduled game. If a player’s name is added, he/she must meet all requirements of eligibility stated in the Handbook.
  • Players may not compete for two teams. EXCEPTION: Player may change rosters only if his/her team forfeits out of the league, providing the new roster has an open slot with approval of the coordinator.
  • Teams may not play ineligible players, even by mutual agreement of both captains and other players in the contest.
  • Players must have played in at least one regular season game to be eligible to participate in any playoff tournament and/or extramural tournament.


A squad member of any current varsity sport is ineligible for intramural sport competition in that sport. This includes RED SHIRTS, WALK-ONS, THOSE WHO ARE INJURED AND STUDENTS WHO ARE ADMITTED TO UA LITTLE ROCK UNDER SPECIAL NCAA GUIDELINES.

Not listed as a member of a varsity sport (or on “squad list”) in the same or related activity and gender during the current academic year.

Exceptions will be granted for players who were listed on a “squad list” for less than three weeks.

Should a student’s name be removed from the squad list by the coach before the first scheduled game for that sport and a written notice is given to the Office of Campus Recreation, he/she shall be eligible for that intramural sport.

A squad member of any sport who becomes scholastically ineligible for competition shall not, during the period of ineligibility, participate on an intramural sports team in the same sport.

Teams are limited to the following number of former varsity player (s):

*A former varsity player is defined as a student who has been listed on the “schools varsity squad list” for any 2 year or 4 year college/university team for greater than 3 weeks for more than one academic year.

Teams are limited to the number of former varsity player(s) (listed below) they can register.

  • Basketball – 1 athlete
  • Flag Football – 2 athletes
  • Volleyball – 2 athletes
  • Tennis – 1 athlete
  • Soccer – 2 athletes
  • Softball – 2 athletes

Pro-Athletes: Any person who has signed a professional sports contract is ineligible for that intramural sport or counterpart for 2 years from the last date of participation.

Extramural Eligibility

Teams have the opportunity to represent UA Little Rock and participate in extramural state, regional, and national tournaments in the sports of flag football and 5v5 basketball. The top 3 men’s and women’s teams in their respective order are eligible to participate with the first place team receiving entry fee paid in full. The Office of Campus Recreation reserves the right to prevent from sending teams to these tournaments due to financial hardships, unsatisfactory sportsmanship or any reason to be determined that would cause a misrepresentation of UA Little Rock.


  • Let the Coordinator of Intramural Sports know you are interested. Be sure to  pick up a packet, fill it out, and return it with your refundable entry fee.
  • All players must have participated in at least one regular season game to be eligible to participate in extramural tournaments.
  • Your team has to place in the top 4 in the All-University Tournament.
  • Team sportsmanship rating must be at least a 3.5 average combined from league play and tournament play.
  • If the top 3 teams decline their bid then their spot will be open to the fourth place team first and then any other team that may be interested in participating in the tournament.


All participants must provide a current validated UA Little Rock ID before participating and must be affiliated with the university as a student or faculty/staff. To be considered a “student,” one must be currently enrolled for at least half of full-time requirements as an undergraduate or graduate student in the fall/spring semester. Individuals who enroll and then officially drop their courses are no longer considered eligible.

Eligibility status is governed by the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association guidelines that can be found on their website at www.nirsa.org


Faculty and staff are NOT eligible to participate in extramural tournaments.


Any former athlete is ineligible in their sport and must be removed one full academic year to be eligible for extramural competition. Teams must adhere to the on-campus eligibility for former varsity player limits.