Organization Code Maintenance (FTMORGN)

Completed forms should be forwarded to the Office of Financial Services for processing. If an existing organization needs to be revised, please email Thierno Sako @

Organization Code Maintenance Form (FTMORGN)


Organization Title: What title you would like for the new organization. Example: Engineering Technology Department.

Effective Date: The date the organization code needs to be available for use. Usually this date is set as the first day of the current fiscal year.

Financial Manager: The name of the person responsible for the new organization.

ID: The UA Little Rock ID for the person responsible for the new organization. This number begins with a “T”.

Predecessor Organization: The organization code to which the new organization will report.

Organization Code: The organization code to which the new organization will report.


Employee Name: List the names of all employees that need to be able to view and/or post to this organization.

User ID: The user ID of the employee who needs access to this new organization. This is the ID used to log into Banner, which is your first initial, middle initial and last name. This is NOT the UA Little Rock ID number that begins with a “T”.

Type of Access: Indicate which type of access the employee will require. The choices are “Query Only” (Q), “Posting Only” (P), or “Both” (B). “Query Only” means that the employee will be able to see transactions in the funds they have access to in that organization. “Posting Only” means that the employee will not be able to query the organization, but may post transactions such as backcharges to the organization. “Both” means that the employee will be able to both query and post transactions to the organization. An employee will need “Both” in order to complete online requisitions.


Head of Organization: The head of your organization should sign and date here.

Dean/Vice Chancellor: The dean or vice chancellor for the responsible organization should sign and date here.

AVCF/VCFA: Forward the form to Finance and Administration for approval.