Pre-Award Policies

The following pre-award policies apply to all UA Little Rock proposals for extramural funding. All principal investigators and funding-seekers should read them and check back regularly for policy updates. For a full list of ORSP policies, please visit the main policies webpage.

Indirect Cost Recovery Policy
This policy states what percent of recovered indirect costs must be allocated to certain expenditures.

Indirect Costs (F&A) Reduction/Waiver Requests for Sponsored Programs
This policy describes the conditions under which a waiver or reduction of finance and administration (indirect) costs will be permitted and the requirements for requesting the reduction or waiver of these costs associated with a sponsored program.

Facilities and Administrative Costs (Indirect Costs) Agreement(PDF)
This document states UA Little Rock’s current F&A rates, agreed upon with the Federal Government. 

Delegation of Signatory Authority
This policy states who has authority to sign on behalf of UA Little Rock on proposals and agreements. 

Tax Exempt Status Clause 
This official memo defines UA Little Rock’s tax-exempt status.

Conflict of Interest Policy
This policy describes the requirement for UA Little Rock faculty and staff to adequately disclose conflicts of interest and the method for resolving such conflicts.