Artworks artist workshops

artWORKS Artist Workshops

The UA Little Rock artWORKS Artist Workshop Series provides a learning community dedicated to creativity and growth through the making and understanding of the visual arts. The artWORKS series provides a hands-on learning experience for local, regional, and national artists and artisans, students, and art educators. The program is unique due to its affiliation and location on a metropolitan university campus that has much to offer in terms of location, facilities, and opportunities.

The artWORKS program strives to enrich participants by teaching skills, ideas, and the personal value of creating art. The program is inclusive of all levels of artistic experience and backgrounds, from the true beginner, to the art educator, to the professional artist, and everything in-between. The program promotes inspiration, artistic and personal growth, and community.

For more information about the UA Little Rock artWORKS Artist Workshops, contact Lydia Martin at


You must be at least 18 years old to register for artWORKS.

UA Little Rock’s artWORKS registrations are accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis according to the date and time they are received in the UA Little Rock Department of Art’s office.
artWORKS reserves the right to cancel the registration of any participant whose behavior unduly disrupts the learning environment for others.

artWORKS will send a confirmation letter, supply list (depending on workshop), and daily schedule upon receipt of your registration. Your confirmation and workshop information will be sent via e-mail in PDF form, unless marked otherwise on a registration form.

Registrant Cancellation

Participants are responsible for notifying artWORKS of changes to their registration status. Notification of cancellation must be in writing and can be emailed to Since spaces are limited in the workshops, please try to give notification of cancellation several days prior to the start of the workshop.

Waiting Lists

When a workshop fills, we start a waiting list. There will be no charge to be on the waiting list. If space becomes available, we will contact the first person on the list. Each person has 24 hours to register before we move on to the next person on the list. If a space becomes available within 30 days of the start of a workshop, the registrar may call or email all persons on the waiting list and the space will be given to whomever registers first.

If artWORKS Cancels a Workshop

Occasionally artWORKS must cancel a workshop due to unforeseen circumstances. We will notify you if the workshop for which you have registered has been cancelled. Notification of cancellation will normally occur 3 weeks prior to the beginning of the workshop; in rare cases, however, it may be less. UA Little Rock’s artWORKS is not responsible for losses incurred on travel arrangements.

Skill Level Descriptions

UA Little Rock’s artWORKS program is inclusive of all levels of artistic experience and backgrounds, from the true beginner, to the art educator, to the professional artist, and everything in-between.

Some of our workshops or experiences are designed for beginners and some require prior experience; most welcome a range of skill levels. The guidelines are intended to help you determine what classes are best suited to your level of experience. Workshop have been rated with one or more skill levels. The levels indicate the technical knowledge and/or experience a student should have to successfully participate in the workshop.

Please reference this list before registering and apply only to the workshops that are appropriate for your skill level. Some advanced workshops may have additional prerequisites and may require a portfolio submission.

Open to All – Students of any skill/knowledge level.

Level I – Students are new to the art media and have no formal training. Digital students must have basic computer skills.

Level II– Students should have a basic understanding of the art media’s principles and/or technology.

Level III – Students have some formal training and significant experience working with the specific art media. Students have a portfolio of their artwork. Digital students are comfortable using the particular programs.

Level IV – Students have advanced skill and knowledge of the specific art media. Students are highly motivated and have multiple portfolios of their artwork. Digital students are comfortable using advanced techniques in particular programs.