Campus Living Policies & Regulations

The following individual policies have been developed to help insure that students can exercise their rights as individuals, while at the same time ensure the rights of those around them in a community living setting. Community guidelines facilitate mutual respect and consideration for maintaining community standards; it is not simply the job of the Campus Living Staff to enforce policies. Violations of Campus Living or University policies are seen as a breach of the terms of the Campus Living and Dining Lease Agreement, therefore subjecting the student to cancellation of the agreement and removal from residence.

The University reserves the right to deny housing to students who have violated Campus Living or University regulations, who have damaged facilities or property, or who have displayed behaviors that pose a risk to themselves or others in the Campus Living community.

Alcohol/Illegal Drugs
As listed in the Campus Living Lease Agreement, students shall not drink dispense, possess or process alcoholic beverages on University property or at University functions on campus. However, persons of legal age as prescribed by state law regarding alcoholic beverages (21 years of age) may possess and consume these beverages in the privacy of their own bedroom, provided all roommates sharing the individual space are of legal age.

To drink, dispense, or possess alcoholic beverages in a common area or on the grounds of the Campus Living complex is not allowed, even if you are of legal age. (see laws below.) Kegs, pony kegs, party balls, etc. are not allowed in the residence halls or on the grounds. Any resident and/or guest found under the influence of intoxicants while on Campus Living property will be referred to disciplinary action.

If Campus Living Staff has reason to believe illegal substances such as marijuana is present or being used in a residence hall Public Safety will be contacted and may utilize the Little Rock Canine Drug Enforcement Task Force to assist in searching and investigating. DPS officers do have power of arrest and may exercise that power in the residence halls. Any student found in violation of alcohol or illegal drug laws will be subject to arrest, immediate removal from residence and/or punitive action by the Office of the Dean of Students. In accordance with federal law, the University reserves the right to contact parents if a student under 21 years of age is found responsible for a drug or alcohol violation.

*Drinking in Public and Public Intoxication are Class C misdemeanors, punishable by a $100 fine for a first offense. A minor in possession of alcohol may receive a $500 fine for a first offense. Knowingly furnishing alcohol to a minor may result in a $500 fine and ten days in jail for a first offense. A second offense is a Class D felony with a $5,000 fine and five years in jail. Distributing within 1,000 feet of a University carries an enhanced penalty of an additional ten years imprisonment.

Alcohol Containers
Bottles, cans, and any other containers packaged as an alcoholic beverage container may not be displayed in a room where alcoholic beverages are not allowed (in a room/suite/apartment with minors). Due to health and sanitation reasons, students may not collect empty open beverage containers.

Alcohol Signs
Signs, posters, and any other advertisement of alcoholic beverages or signs of questionable taste will not be displayed in windows of a residence hall or on the wall in a student’s room/suite/apartment that can be seen from the hallway.

UL (Underwriters Laboratories) approved electronics such as computers, stereos, televisions, DVD players, study lamps, clocks, irons, fans, electric blankets, heating pads, hair dryers, and other small kitchen appliances are allowed for use in student rooms. West Hall rooms are limited to one mini-refrigerator, small coffee makers, and one microwave that are 900 watts or less. In North, South, & East Halls, residents may use toasters and toaster ovens, electric skillets, Foreman grills, electric woks, crock pots, and other small kitchen appliances.

Sun lamps and electric heaters may NOT be used. Overloading circuits or using any appliance that poses a danger or fire hazard may not be used. All cooking appliances must have UL approved cords. Appliances with open coil heating elements (i.e. hot plates) are not allowed. Due to the potential fire hazard and because of limited ventilation, cooking with grease or oil (i.e. deep frying) is not allowed in any Campus Living Building.

Grease may not be disposed in garbage disposals in the facilities or on the grounds of University Village. Any apartment found to be disposing of cooking grease from windows, balconies or down drains will be fined for the professional cleaning of the grease.

Bicycles may not be stored or chained in the hallways, walkways, or any other public location of the residence halls. Bicycle storage areas are located on the west sides of North and South Halls. Bicycles chained to handrails will be removed at the owner’s expense. Bicycles may not be ridden inside the buildings. Motorcycles and scooters should be parked in the parking lot.

Business from Residents’ Rooms
The campus solicitation policy states that residents are not permitted to carry on any organized business (i.e. hair cutting, tailoring, baby-sitting, nail salon, etc.) from their rooms or any Campus Living property.

Candles and Incense

Open flame devices and materials are prohibited in all campus buildings. Plug-in air fresheners are discouraged.

Children 12 years of age and under are permitted to visit during regular visitation hours provided they are checked in using the host’s ID card (East and West Halls only) and attended by their host at all times. They are not permitted to run up and down hallways or stairwells. Residents who host children that disturb other residents may be asked to remove the children from the building. For the safety of the child and to maintain an environment consistent with the purposes of a college residence hall, children 12 years of age and under are not permitted to stay overnight in a residence hall.

Cooperation with Officials
Residents must immediately comply with directions from any University Official, including Hall Directors and Resident Assistants. See “Disrespect for Authority” in the UA Little Rock Student Handbook.

Courtesy Hours
See Quiet Hours

Charges for student room/suite/apartment damages or necessary cleaning will be assessed to the resident(s) of that room/suite/apartment. Failure to pay assessed damage will result in a flag being placed on a student’s account barring re-enrollment. Students are responsible for paying damage costs above the amount of the housing deposit. Residents are also financially responsible for any damage(s) caused by their guests. See “Room Condition Report” provided at check in.

Darts and Dart Boards
Darts and dart boards are not permitted at any time in hallways or in student rooms/suites/apartments due to potential for personal injury and property damage. Magnetic dart boards are allowed.

Disruptive Behavior
Any person (resident or guest) who is causing a disruption to the normal operation of the residence hall may be asked to return to their room or leave the premises by a University Official.

Tampering, vandalizing, or misusing the elevator equipment is prohibited.

Exercise Equipment
Exercise equipment such as ankle weights and plastic hand weights up to five pounds are allowed. Weight stacks, plates, dumbbells, barbells and stationery bikes are not permitted due to excessive weight which may cause damage to floors and/or disturb other residents.

See Physical Abuse.

Fire Alarms
In the event of a fire alarm, residents must immediately evacuate the premises according to the designated emergency exits. Those who do not will face disciplinary actions and/or ticketing by the Little Rock Fire Department. Fire drills will be scheduled each semester.

Fire Equipment
All fire equipment (alarms, extinguishers, emergency lighting, fire hoses, and exit signs) are for the safety of all persons residing in the residence halls. Misuse of these items is a federal offense. See “False Reporting of Emergency” and “Interference with Emergency Procedure” in the UA Little Rock Student Handbook.

Fire Safety Precautions

  1. Do not abuse the electrical supply – use of electrical devices to obtain an excessive number of outlets can result in an overload of circuits.
  2. Trash should not be allowed to build up; it should be removed daily. Custodians will remove trash from the buildings daily. Flammable materials should not be left in trash containers inside the building. They should be placed securely in the dumpster located between North and East Halls.
  3. Blocking exit paths is prohibited by law. Doorways, corridors, and stairs must be kept free of obstacles; therefore, no storage is allowed in public areas of the hallways.

In Case of Fire

  • Do not panic. Remain calm.
  • If there is smoke in the room, keep low on the floor.
  • Before opening a door, feel the door and its handle. If they are hot, do not open the door.
  • Before opening the door, brace yourself against it and open it slightly. If heat or heavy smoke is present, close the door and stay in the room.
  • If you leave the room, close all doors behind you and take your room key.
  • Emergency vehicles and personnel will be maneuvering around the building.
  • If all exits are blocked, stay in your room. Remain calm.

Evacuation Plan
Fire evacuation plans for each floor are posted by the elevators and stairwells. Please become familiar with the designated routes.

In Case All Exits are Blocked

  • Try to call Public Safety. (569-3400) Tell them where you are and that you need help.
  • Open the window slightly to let in fresh air. Take care not to draw smoke into the room or feed the fire by creating a draft.
  • Place wet towels and sheets around doors and cracks.
  • Draw water from the bathroom or kitchen to keep towels and sheets wet.
  • Hang an object out the window to attract Fire Department attention (sheet, blanket, jacket, etc.).
  • If heavy smoke is present, place a wet towel over your nose and mouth and keep low to the floor.

Firearms and Weapons
Possession, discharge, or other use of any weapon is prohibited on the grounds or in the buildings of the UA Little Rock campuses or other area controlled by UA Little Rock, except that a handgun may be possessed by an individual who has a concealed handgun permit and has completed enhanced certification training in accordance to state law. Storage of any weapon, including handguns, is prohibited at any location owned or operated by UA Little Rock, except that a concealed handgun may be stored in a licensee’s locked and unattended motor vehicle.

A weapon is any object designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage. Weapons include, but are not limited to: firearms, air pistols, air rifles, fireworks, incendiary devices, knives with a blade length of four inches or greater, blackjacks, metal knuckles, bows, arrows, nunchucks, tasers or other electrical stun devices, or any other such offensive objects. Arkansas state law defines a handgun as “any firearm, other than a fully automatic firearm, with a barrel length of less than twelve inches (12″) that is designed, made, or adapted to be fired with one (1) hand.” A concealed handgun must be covered from observation so as to prevent public view.


Carrying a concealed weapon at the following locations and events is prohibited, whether or not a person obtains enhanced licensure:

  1. Collegiate athletic events as defined by state law, provided they are posted as firearm sensitive areas and have a security plan approved by the Arkansas State Police.
  2. A public K-12 school, prekindergarten, or daycare facility.
  3. Grievance or disciplinary meetings conducted in accordance with certain specifications outlined in state law.

This policy does not apply to:

  1. Law enforcement officers or other security personnel employed or contracted by UA Little Rock who are specifically authorized to carry a weapon in the scope of their employment.
  2. Non-university law enforcement officers employed by local, state or federal law enforcement agencies engaged in work on university property and required to carry a weapon in the scope of their duties.

Conduct of Licensed Concealed Carry Holders with Enhanced Certifications

Licensed concealed carry holders with enhanced certifications must do the following:

  1. Must have a license and enhanced certification to carry a concealed handgun on campus;
  2. Must comply with all relevant federal or state laws;
  3. Must conceal the weapon at all times;
  4. Must maintain possession and control of the weapon at all times, unless the weapon is stored in a locked and unattended vehicle;
  5. May not intentionally display or use the handgun in a threatening manner unless such display or use is allowed by federal or state law; and
  6. May not discharge a concealed handgun on the grounds or in the building of any campus, division, unit or other area controlled by UA Little Rock unless such discharge is allowed by law.

Violations of the weapons policy or state law regarding carrying concealed handguns may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the university.

Flammable Items
Flammable items, such as fuel or car batteries, may not be stored in student rooms.

Furniture and Fixtures
University furniture is inventoried according to location and may not be removed from student rooms or common areas. Interior furniture (such as bar stools, ottomans, etc) MAY NOT be used outside. Also, removal of shower heads and other fixtures is prohibited.

Gambling using cards, dice, or any wagering with money on campus is strictly prohibited. See the UA Little Rock Student Handbook.

Due to fire safety standards, no personal grills are allowed. Grilling patios are available on the east sides of North and South Halls. Only UA Little Rock provided grills may be used. Do not leave hot coals unattended. Dispose of coals in the provided receptacle.

Guests & Visitation

Visitation hours are:
10 a.m. – 12 a.m. Monday-Sunday

Residents are allowed no more than three (3) guests signed in at any given time during Visitation Hours. Residents may sign-in no more than one (1) overnight guest of the same gender per night. Residents are allowed no more than three (3) overnight guests in any thirty (30) day period; a guest may not spend more than three (3) consecutive nights in the residence hall. Regardless of the host, the length of stay in the residence hall for ANY non-resident spending the night may not exceed three (3) consecutive nights and/or three (3) nights in any thirty (30) day period. “Night” begins at the end of established Visitation Hours. (See Visitation Hours) West Hall residents are only allowed overnight guests on Friday and Saturday nights.

Guests are defined as individuals who are not contractual occupants of a specific residence hall. Guests must be escorted by their host at all times. It is the responsibility of the host to inform the guest of building policies. Guests must abide by all policies. Guests not observing University policy may be escorted from the premises and restricted from further access to the area. Guests and hosts are mutually responsible for the conduct of the guest; however, hosts are ultimately responsible for the conduct of their guests and are subject to disciplinary action for inappropriate behavior of guests.

Consideration for roommates should remain top priority in planning to host an overnight guest. It is common courtesy for residents to inform their roommate(s) prior to having a guest stay the night.

East & West Hall

All guests of East and West Halls are required to be signed in by a resident at the respective reception desk, with the guest leaving a valid photo ID while in the building. Anytime the guest leaves the building, they must also sign out and retrieve their ID. Children must also be signed in as guests in East and West Halls, although children 12 years of age and under are not allowed as overnight guests. East and West Hall residents must leave their own photo ID at the reception desk for children. (See Children)

West Hall residents must be escorted by a resident of that floor at all times when visiting the opposite gender floors. Unattended residents will be asked to leave the floor immediately and judicial action will be taken. Guests (residents & non-residents) may be asked to leave if, in the judgment of a staff member, the presence of the guest(s) is contributing to the disruption of the residential environment.

Commons (North & South Hall)

Guests must wait at the building entrance until their host comes to escort them. Guests must be escorted through the buildings at all times.

University Village

The University Village will have 24 hour visitation. Guests are permitted with the approval of all parties in the apartment at any time during the day. There is a strict no cohabitation policy for the University Village. Any guest found to be living in an apartment with a resident will be banned from the complex and the resident hosting the guest will be found to be in violation of their lease and will be removed from campus housing indefinitely.

Health & Safety Inspections

Monthly health and safety inspections will be conducted by Campus Living Staff. They will check smoke detectors, look for maintenance concerns, and monitor general cleanliness, particularly in kitchens and bathrooms. Residents will be given notice for any violation of health and safety procedures. Failure to comply within the given time frame will result in cleaning charges and/or disciplinary action.

Holiday Decorations
No live trees or greenery are allowed in any of the residence halls; however, artificial trees may be used. Lights and other decorations should be used with safety in mind. Nothing should be hung or attached to smoke detectors or sprinklers. Keep flammable materials away from lights. All holiday decorations must be removed before the campus closes for the semester break.

Illegal Entry
All residents must use their student ID card to enter the residence halls. Failure to do so constitutes illegal entry. Illegal entry may refer to entering a resident’s room uninvited, even if the door is unlocked.

Musical Instruments
In consideration of all residents, playing musical instruments in the residence hall is not permitted. Practice rooms are available for student use in the Fine Arts building.

Painting walls or any University fixture is not allowed.

Due to health and safety reasons, aquarium fish are the only pets allowed in campus housing. One aquarium per room of ten gallons or less is allowed. There is no grace period for removal of an illegal animal; therefore, the animal may be removed by building staff or animal control authorities immediately.

Physical Abuse
Fighting, battery, assaults by any means such as physical harassment, or conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person on University property is prohibited. Such behavior is likely grounds for removal from residence, and may result in removal from the University.

Quiet Hours
Quiet hours are:
Sunday – Thursday – Midnight to 10 a.m.
Friday & Saturday – 2 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Quiet Hours mean that the noise level in your room/suite/apartment should not be heard from outside your living area, including locations above and below your room.

During final exams, the residence halls will observe 23 Hour Quiet Hours. Quiet hours will be in effect for 23 hours during this time, but one hour daily will be designated as the Loud Hour. Notification will be posted in advance of the beginning of 23 Hour Quiet Hours.

Courtesy Hours are in effect 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, which means that noise level in your room/suite/apartment should not be heard at a significant level outside of your living area as to disturb other residents.

Any attempt to intimidate, threaten, or create a hostile environment for any person involved in reporting an incident is strictly prohibited. See UA Little Rock Student Handbook.

Sexual Assault Policy
See UA Little Rock Student Handbook. All Campus Living Staff are considered by Federal Law to be Mandated Reporters.

Signs, Pictures and Posters
Pictures, posters, and other material that may be considered objectionable, such as alcohol advertisements, those containing profanity, or sexually explicit material are not to be displayed in areas that may be visible outside of the student’s room.


According to the Clean Air on Campus Act of 2009, UA Little Rock is a non-smoking campus. The law prohibits smoking tobacco vapor devices, e-cigarettes or “other lighted combustible plant material” anywhere on campus, including buildings, grounds, and parking lots. The penalty for violating the law is a fine not less than $100 or greater than $500.

Organizations or individuals may not solicit, advertise, sell, slide under doors, place on vehicles, or distribute material of any nature on University-owned property without approval from the Student Experience Center. For distributing materials in Campus Living Buildings, approval should be obtained from the Campus Living Office.

Sound Equipment
Musical or other sounds must be maintained within the resident’s room. This includes disturbances of rooms above or below the resident. Stereo speakers are not allowed to be placed in open windows. Offensive sound as determined by affected residents must be quieted. Offending sound equipment may be confiscated by Campus Living Staff and/or banned from the building.

Personal Harassment
This includes abusive or obscene communication designed to irritate, anger, frighten, or threaten someone. Individuals found responsible for or associated with the harassment of a resident of staff member are subject to disciplinary action.

Threats to Community
No student shall engage in any activity which endangers the safety, well-being, or property of another member of the University community.

Tornado Safety
In case of a tornado warning, staff members will direct residents to designated safety areas. Further instructions will be issued as needed.

Storm Safe Rooms are located in the basements of North and South Halls. West Hall residents should go to the 1st floor interior hallways of each tower. East Hall residents should go to first floor interior hallways.

University Village residents should go to the interior most room in the apartment away from windows. For general tornado safety in your room, stay away from windows, shut bedroom doors, and take cover in your bathroom, as this is the safest place in your room/suite/apartment.

Trash Rooms
Trash Rooms are located on every floor. All trash must be disposed of in these rooms in closed containers (i.e. plastic trash bags). Trash should not be placed on the floor. In East Hall, trash must be taken to the dumpster located in the East Hall Loop. Trash chutes are located in North, South and West Halls. The staff has the authority to close the trash rooms and direct residents to carry trash outside directly to the dumpster if sanitation and health standards in common areas or student rooms are violated by residents and/or their guests.

Students will be held accountable for intentional or accidental damage to building furnishings, equipment, or grounds. Residents are also responsible for damages caused by their guests.

Use of nails, screws, tape, poster putty, or other fastening devices on walls, furniture, or fixtures that may cause damage to University property is discouraged. Residents will be responsible for the costs of repairing walls, furniture, or fixtures due to damage.

Water Fights & Horseplay
Water fights, water balloons, water weapons and foam-based weaponry of any kind in or around the residence halls is prohibited, except as planned and supervised by Campus Living Staff.

Wrestling and horseplay are not permitted in any Campus Living Building.

East Hall and West Hall windows cannot be opened. University Village, North & South Halls, the window screens are not to be removed.

Attempting to force the window open may cause damage, which may result in fines. Nothing is to be thrown, dropped or tossed from residence hall windows. Windows may not be used to enter or exit a building. Window displays deemed inappropriate by Campus Living Staff will be removed.