Circulation Information
UA Little Rock Faculty, Staff and Students
Current UA Little Rock faculty, staff, and students are eligible for library privileges during the periods when they are affiliated with the university. Privileges include circulation of library materials, on-campus and remote access to library databases and electronic resources, and document delivery services, e.g., interlibrary loan and article delivery.
- Up to 100 items
- Loan period is for the full semester
- Up to three renewals; each renewal may be performed through the catalog (click on “My Account”)
- All items may be subject to recall after 14 days
- All accounts are subject to additional circulation policies.
Circulating items may be requested in the catalog and held at the library for pickup at your convenience. Additionally, you may request up to 5 items be shipped to your home address. Items will be shipped via USPS and may take up to 10 days to arrive. You may choose to ship items back to the library (at your expense) or you may return items in person.
UA Little Rock students who are not enrolled for summer classes but were registered during the prior spring semester and are preregistered for fall semester are eligible for full library privileges during the summer. Privileges include circulation of library materials, remote access to databases and use of interlibrary loan.
UA Little Rock students not currently enrolled in courses but working on their dissertation or thesis, finishing an incomplete course or doing research with a UA Little Rock faculty member may be granted a continuation of library privileges with the approval of a current UA Little Rock faculty member. Faculty members can fill out the form below with the student name, T-number and length of the needed extension.
The library can create temporary accounts for students who have not received their credentials yet. Please fill out the account request form below.
UA Little Rock faculty who have been granted Emeritus status are eligible for continued library privileges. If your privileges have not automatically been extended, please fill out the form below and make sure to have a letter (or proof) of Emeritus handy.
UA Little Rock students, faculty and staff may check out materials from other Arkansas academic libraries through the ARKLink Reciprocal Borrowing Program.
Prior to visiting a participating Arkansas academic library, UA Little Rock users need to stop by the Ottenheimer Library to be issued an ARKLink card or request one at the link below.
ARKLink participating libraries have agreed to honor the ARKLink card. However, lending libraries set their own policies and procedures. ARKLink library users must present both an ARKLink card and a photo ID to the circulation desk of the lending library.
Cards will be valid for one semester for students and one year for faculty/staff. Once you receive your ARKLink card you must sign your name in the space provided on the face of the card.
Additional Circulation Information
Borrowers assume all responsibility for library items in their possession and will be subject to charges for any lost and/or damaged items. Library notices for recall and overdue items will be sent via email. Bills for replacement costs will be sent via email for library items that are 21 days overdue. Library privileges and campus records (in Banner) will be restricted and flagged until the library receives the overdue materials or payment. The Library will waive fees and lift holds if/when it receives returned materials in good condition.
Charges for lost Ottenheimer Library books include the cost of the material (determined by the Library’s average cost per book). Damage to materials may also result in replacement or rebinding fees. Charges for damaged materials include the repair costs incurred by the library. Current charges for books are $106.00 per item for replacement and $22.00 per item for binding.
Borrowers who wish to replace lost or damaged materials must submit a request at prior to replacement. A consultation with the Collections Management Coordinator will be scheduled to review options before the borrower makes the purchase. The Library reserves the right to determine if replacement is acceptable. If a replacement copy is acceptable, the replacement cost will be canceled. The borrower remains responsible for the processing fee.
Refunds of the lost material charges are available up to 30 days after payment if the material is returned in good condition. The processing fee is nonrefundable.
Charges for lost/damaged third party items, such as personal copies held on Reserve, materials obtained from other libraries via Interlibrary Loan, and Federal Depository items, are billed at replacement cost, as determined by the owner of the material.
Payments for lost/damaged items may be made at the Cashier’s Office by cash, check or credit/debit card. Refunds of the lost material charges are available up to 30 days after payment if the material is returned in good condition. The processing fee is nonrefundable.
Library users are responsible for returning library materials at the conclusion of the loan periods as specified by Ottenheimer Library. Users are not charged overdue fees for the late return of Ottenheimer Library materials, but are charged a daily overdue fee for the late return of materials borrowed through InterLibrary Loan.
Library users are responsible for all charges related to the loss or damage of any and all library materials. Charges include the material costs and a processing fee.
All users are expected to abide by UA Little Rock’s Acceptable Use Policy and will lose computer privileges for non-compliance.
In compliance with Arkansas Code Annotated 13-2-703, personal details of library patrons associated with library accounts are confidential and subject to disclosure only as allowed by Arkansas Code.
See also UA Little Rock Policy 703.5.
Technology at Ottenheimer
Ottenheimer Library has technology available for use by UA Little Rock students, faculty, and staff on a first-come, first-serve basis. Current resources include:
- 1 active learning classroom (LIB 100A) for class use
- 37 computers on the 1st floor
- 31 Dells and 6 MACs
- Microsoft Office, Respondus Lockdown Browser and assistive technology software
- 5 group study rooms on the 1st floor (with monitors and whiteboards)
- 1 presentation practice room on the 1st floor
- 5 large display media tables on the 2nd floor
- Individual study carrels on the 4th floor (quiet floor). Please review the Individual Study Carrel Guidelines below for additional policies.
- 2 Wi-Fi-enabled copiers/scanners/printers (B&W and Color) on the 1st floor. Mobile print requests may be sent from any location on or off campus
The library makes the following technology available for at the front desk:
- Laptops may be checked out for an entire semester or for 3 hours; each laptop comes with a carrying case and power cord. Please review the Library Laptop Guidelines below for additional policies.
- Charging cables may be checked out for 2 hours at a time. Each cable set comes with USB, USB-C, Android, and iPhone/iPad connections.
- Calculators may be checked out for 2 hours at a time.
- Disposable earbuds are available free of charge.
The University makes Wi-Fi available to students and guests within campus buildings. There is bleed-over coverage in parking lot 9 behind the library (as well as lot 1, 3 and 12). Lot 9 is gated but is available to all students after 4:00 pm and on weekends. Free Wi-Fi access is also available in various public library branches and parking lots, as well as city parks and community centers.
- 3 hour library-use-only laptops cannot leave the building at any time and must be promptly returned to the desk when due.
- All laptops must be returned one hour prior to closing.
- Patrons may only check out one laptop at a time and must be the sole user of the equipment.
- Users are responsible for the laptop and peripherals at all times.
- Laptop check-outs may be renewed when no one else is waiting and other laptops are available.
IMPORTANT: Users should save all personal data to an external source such as Google Drive or a USB memory device frequently when using a laptop to prevent data loss. Ottenheimer Library is not responsible for any lost documents or data.
Replacement Cost
Users are responsible for full replacement costs of any laptop and/or peripherals that are damaged, lost, or stolen while in their possession. Laptops and peripherals that are not returned by closing will be considered lost and the user will be responsible for the replacement cost of $1300.
Logging In
User will be provided a local account and password from staff. After logging in, user will be able to establish a Wi-Fi connection.
Individual study carrels are available for patron use on a first-come, first-served basis. One room will accommodate students with disabilities, allowing for an additional person acting as an assistant. Current students, faculty, and staff have priority for the rooms. To avoid disturbing others, the following conditions apply:
- One person per room
- No talking
- Cell phones should be turned off or set to silent/vibrate mode
- Headphones/earbuds should be used with audio/video devices