
Becoming a Student

Before registering for classes at UA Little Rock, it helps to know the basics of enrollment. There are hundreds of classes offered each semester, so it’s important to talk to your academic advisor to start your college journey on the best path.

Am I full time, half time, or part time?

You can enroll for up to 18 credit hours in any regular semester. You may be able to obtain permission to take more hours from the advisor who approves your degree plan. Please note that Academic Standing can affect the number of hours you are allowed to enroll in during a semester.

How many hours you take per semester determines whether you are a full-time, three quarter-time, half-time, or part-time student. Please note that hours in each part of term in a semester will count towards your status. (Example: Student A takes the following hours in a Summer Term: 6 hours during the 9 week term, 3 hours during the first five weeks, and 3 hours during the second five weeks. Student A’s total hours for the Summer are 12 which means that Student A is a Full Time Student).

Classification Full Time Three Quarter Time Half Time Part Time
Undergraduate 12+ hrs 9-11 hrs 6-8 hrs 1-5 hrs
Post-Baccalaureate 12+ hrs 9-11 hrs 6-8 hrs 1-5 hrs
Graduate 9+ hrs 7-8 hrs 5-6 hrs 1-4 hrs

University Semesters

UA Little Rock offers courses in the fall, spring, and summer terms. UA Little Rock also offers courses at other times, such as during the interim between each semester and at different time periods during a semester or term. The class search is updated well ahead of the registration dates for the next semester, which gives you time to look over classes and talk to an advisor about what you need to take as you plan your degree path.

UA Little Rock offers accelerated terms in 9-week, 7-week, and 5-week sessions.

UA Little Rock Locations

In addition to the main campus in Little Rock, courses and programs are offered online.

Course days and times

Please visit UA Little Rock’s  Class Scheduling Guidelines – 605.1 for the most comprehensive information on course days and times.

What you see in a class search:

You’re ready to search for classes. Here’s what you’ll need to know to register in BOSS:

class listing example

CRN: 10367 The five-digit course reference number (CRN) assigned for registration. The five-digit CRN number is necessary for registration and is not the same as the course number.

Subject RHET The department or curriculum area with its assigned four-letter code. In this case, it is “RHET” for “Rhetoric and Writing.”

Course Number 1311 The course number assigned by the department. It indicates the level and number of credit hours for the course. Note: The second number indicates the semester hours. This class is 3 semester credit hours.

Section 23 The section number assigned by the department.

Title Composition I The course title. Abbreviated versions of longer course titles may be used. Descriptions of all courses appear within their respective departments in numerical order by course number.

Available Seats: 20 This is the total number of students that may sign up for this class.

Class meets MWF The days the class meets, in this case each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Other abbreviations include “MW” or Monday and Wednesday, “TR” or Tuesday and Thursday, “S” means Saturday, “U” means Sunday, and “TBA” indicates “to be announced.” “TBA” is often used for online classes.

11:00 am – 11:50 am The time the class begins and ends. The abbreviation TBA in this place means “to be announced.” The exact time for TBA courses will be provided by the department or instructor.

Instructor: Freeland, Betty T The name of the instructor assigned to this class. If  “Staff” appears here, the teacher for the class had not yet been assigned at the time the schedule was prepared.

For additional help with registration you may also view our online Registration tutorial.