Use the UA Little Rock Transfer Equivalency Guide widget to determine how your courses may transfer. If you do not see your transfer institution listed below, please know that this does not mean we do not accept your institutionally or regionally accredited courses: we only need to review them!


The University of Arkansas System institutions are transitioning to the Common Course Numbering System which will be implemented in the 2025-2026 academic school year, here at UA Little Rock. Common Course Numbering will consist of a four-letter subject prefix and a five-digit course number that will carry across all institutions. Several institutions have already switched to the Common Course Numbering System for the 2024-2025 academic year. Please see the crosswalks from institutions using this new system for the Fall 2024 term to determine equivalency at UA Little Rock.

We will be updating this list as new crosswalks are available. Thank you!

UA Pulaski Technical College

University of Arkansas

Transfer Guide Widget

This guide will display the latest equivalency for your transfer course. Please note that when your course(s) is articulated, the equivalency of your transfer course will be based on when you took the course and may differ from what appears in this guide. You may also contact our Office of Transfer Student Services for additional information about how your courses may transfer or if you have other related concerns.