Request for Books in Alternative Format

Accessible Book Request

This is the form for students to request textbooks in an accessible format.

Student Responsibilities(Required)
I understand that the following are my responsibilities: I will inform the Disability Resource Center of my planned schedule by completing a Request Form for Books in Alternate Format every semester. I am registered for or will register for (as soon as registration begins) the classes listed below. I understand that if I do not complete this form with DRC a minimum of ten weeks prior to the beginning of a semester, or if I make changes in my schedule, that there may be a delay in obtaining course materials. If I am ordering books myself using my own account with Learning Ally (or through other means), I will notify DRC immediately if a book is not available so that DRC can assist me in obtaining it in an accessible format. For books not available through Learning Ally, I will purchase the books and give them to DRC, or show proof that I have purchased the books, so that DRC can obtain an accessible format from the publisher. I understand that books not available will need to be chopped and scanned. This process will destroy the physical copy of the book and it will not be able to be sold back to the UA Little Rock book store.
Please provide your UA Little Rock email address.

Book Information

Format Preference(Required)

Textbook Information(Required)
Please enter your textbook information below. Use the + button on the right to add more books.
Course: (ex. RHBL 5316 - 990)
Book Title
Books in Alternate Format Agreement(Required)
I agree to purchase or rent the text. I also agree that I will not distribute or copy any of the electronic files. It is my responsibility to use this material for the intended class and for educational purposes only. I understand I must provide a receipt (or evidence of ownership or rental) to the DRC before electronic files are released to me. By submitting this form I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the above.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.