The Accounting Department uses Workday to store and distribute the RPT – Assets Annual Physical Inventory, which when run, allows you to view and print your organization’s report. The instructions on how to retrieve it are included below, and you should print a copy to use while conducting the inventory of equipment assigned to your organization. To conduct the physical inventory you should scan each item on your inventory report and verify the information provided, including location, serial number, and custodian.
If you note discrepancies, or need to make any changes to your assigned inventory (asset descriptions, incorrect or missing serial numbers, etc.), you should mark these directly on the Property Report. You should also add a custodian name to each inventory item to indicate who the responsible person is for that equipment.
You should use the Fixed Assets forms available on the web to make any other adjustments to your inventory.
- If you have any locations that need a location barcode, please complete the Location Barcode Request Form. Once the form has been processed, you will receive your new location barcodes through campus mail.
- If you need to dispose of any destroyed, unusable or obsolete equipment, you need to complete the Marketing and Redistribution Form. Once this form is received, Workday will be updated and the form forwarded to Physical Plant for pick-up.
- If there is equipment listed on your report that you have transferred to another organization, you need to complete the On Campus Property Reassignment Form. Both the organization relinquishing and the organization accepting the property have to approve it before the responsible organization for those items can be changed.
- If your organization has equipment located off-campus, you should complete an Off-Campus Reassignment Form. Once this form is received, the information will be updated in the system. Please complete this form for ALL items located off-campus.
- If you find any property that is not yet tagged you should complete the Unlisted Property Form. Complete this form for any items over $500 located within your organization that does not have a tag or is not listed on your property report.
- If equipment has been lost or stolen since last year’s inventory, you should complete a Lost or Stolen Property Form. This form certifies that you have conducted a thorough search for that property and are not able to locate it. (NOTE: If you need to remove stolen equipment from your inventory report, an investigative report from Public Safety must be included with this form.)
- The Inventory Certification Sheet will need to be signed and returned with your property report. One individual should be assigned as the equipment manager so that the Accounting Department will have a contact on record for your organization’s property. Indicate your equipment manager’s name, phone number, and e-mail address on the bottom of the certification sheet. This will allow the Accounting Department to communicate more effectively with your organization regarding inventory matters.
Please be as thorough as possible when conducting your organization’s inventory so the Workday accurately reflects your information. If you have any problems or questions, you may contact General Accounting at 501-916-3318.
Thank you for your cooperation in making our inventory information as accurate as possible.