
  1. Deadline: To be announced. Exams and reference materials must also be uploaded to RegisterBlast by to be announced. Hand-delivered or emailed exams are not accepted.
  2. Each individual student must have a separate exam submission with their unique “T” number that is saved and stored in Registerblast.
    • Processing is difficult, confusing, and sometimes impossible without your complete exam information in Registerblast.


  • Check the Testing Services days and hours of operation prior to creating your exam submission.
  • Keep in mind that space in the Testing Services computer lab is limited, which requires that appointments be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • We can provide a “reduced distraction” testing environment, but not a “distraction free” one.
  • Staff is not available to proctor outside of Testing Services.

Faculty Exam Submission and Responsibilities

You must create a new exam submission request for each individual accommodated student. Enter only one name and “T” number on each submission.

Creating a RegisterBlast Account

To create an exam submission, you must have a professor account in RegisterBlast.

  1. Begin at the enrollment site:
  2. You will be prompted to enter your first name, last name, email address, and to create a password. If you forget your password, email [email protected] so we can reset it.
  3. Click “Enroll”. You have created your RegisterBlast account!
  4. All new professors must be approved by Testing Services before the professor can create an exam submission. RegisterBlast notifies us immediately, but may take our office a couple of hours to process the approval and set-up an “Exam Group” during regular business hours. If you do not receive approval, please contact Testing by emailing [email protected].

Creating Your Accommodated Exam Submission

If you already have an account, follow these steps to create a submission for each student needing accommodations.

  1. Login to your Professor account
  2. Click on “Submissions” in the upper, right-hand part of the screen. You should see a list of previous submissions.
  3. Click on “New Submission” at the top of the screen.

Fill out all areas of the form that pertain to your exam:
Section 1:

  • Name your test
    • It is best to use something unique such as: Test 1 MATH 1302-991.
    • If your exam requires documents such as a paper/pencil test or reference materials, you must upload them in this step at least 48 hours prior to the first day your exam. We do not accept hand-delivered or emailed exams.

Section 2:

  • Select the appropriate exam group (i.e. Accommodated, Make-Up, etc.)
    • Select the “Open” and “Close” dates for your test from the drop-down calendar.
    • Input the standard time for your exam without accommodations. Testing Services will reference the Disability Resource Center database for the student’s approved accommodations and make the appropriate adjustments to the length of the exam.

Section 3:
Complete all of the information that pertains to your test.

  • There is redundancy on purpose. After submitting, you will only be able to edit section 3. This allows you to revise the date(s) and duration after the original submission has been completed.
  • Note: Include one student name and “T” number! If you have more than one student approved for accommodations, you will need to create multiple submissions; one for each student. This helps ensure we don’t miss anyone when creating appointments, and avoids over or under-scheduling the testing lab.

Section 4: Specify edits and/or enter additional information

All information about your test may not be covered by this form. If you wish to add or clarify any part of your entries on the form, please explain in the “Comment Box”.  This is also the place to list any edits you made in Section 3. Please list any edits you make in the comment box. When they come through our inbox, it doesn’t show the edits immediately, and putting a note just makes it easier to find the changes.

  1. Inform your student(s) that:
    • Their UA Little Rock email address will be used for communication.
    • The student will be contacted by Testing Services to schedule an appointment after your exam submission is received.
    • If the student is not contacted by Testing Services, instruct him/her to contact Testing Services. Email: [email protected] Phone: 501-916-3198
    • Refer the student(s) to the Disability Resource Center website for additional information.

Appointment Scheduling

Faculty members must not schedule appointments. Accommodated appointments are made by Testing Services. Testing Services will contact the student after your submission has been received.

Other Testing Options

  1. Students may test within your department or college.
  2. If your class is taught outside of our hours, and you need an exam proctored by us, your students will be required to test during our lab hours.

Testing Within Your Department or College

There may be situations where it is preferable or necessary to administer exams within your department. These include:

  1. Exams that are not paper/pencil or online (such as ASL, oral exams, piano, lab).
  2. Specialized software is needed for the exam. (We have Lockdown Browser and screen reader technology; anything else will need to be done in your department or discussed with the Director of Testing Services.)
  3. The professor needs to be physically available during the exam.
  4. The course is off campus (such as Bowen or Benton).
  5. Testing Services does not have space available at the needed time. (We will try to contact you as soon as possible if this happens.)

If this is the case, please follow the procedure for Accommodated Exams in Academic Departments.

An Inclusive Approach

There is a more inclusive approach for students to demonstrate their mastery of the course material than just utilizing exams. This approach has the benefit of not having to set-up a separate testing situation for students with disabilities. Let the DRC know if you would like to discuss these options further, or if you would like to make such changes to your course design.

Testing Services Contact Information

University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Testing Services
2801 South University Avenue
Student Services Center, room 315
Little Rock, Arkansas 72204
501-916-3096 (Fax)
[email protected]

Note: Emails from a Yahoo account cannot be received. UA Little Rock’s server blocks them. Any other email provider is acceptable.