Build and Certify your Resume with SmartResume

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock has teamed with SmartResume to offer students and alumni a free certified resume for those who are eligible. See details below about those students and alumni who can now verify their on-campus accomplishments to employers. At UA Little Rock, we value the life experiences of our students. We are committed to providing the best career experience to students and helping them transition quickly into new jobs and opportunities.

SmartResume connects students and alumni with job possibilities, assisting in economic development and adopting more efficient company methods. Students can impress employers with many of their most significant achievements through the world’s first certified resume. With SmartResume’s unique verification capabilities, they can highlight the expertise they have to offer.

Students and alumni must activate their resumes to begin utilizing SmartResume. Through their Certified Talent Marketplace, students may combine traditional resume information onto the SmartResume to give companies a complete view of their abilities.

SmartResume is available in PDF format and students can download it at any time.

Eligibility Criteria for SmartResume

These are students and alumni that are qualified to use the SmartResume.

  • Students awarded degrees on the Graduate or Undergraduate level from 2005 – 2021 [Summer 2021] (Fall 2021 graduates are in processing which may not be resolved until later in May.)
  • Undergraduate students from 2005-2021 [Summer 2021] with at least 70 completed hours.
  • Graduate students with at least one completed term from 2005-2021 [Summer 2021].

For more information on SmartResume, please contact University Career Services at 501-916-3021 or email