Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021 – What’s New

All newly approved undergraduate curriculum items for the academic year 2019-2020 are listed below. The curriculum items were approved during the current curriculum cycle (March 2, 2019 – March 1, 2020)

NOTE: Curriculum items approved after March 1, 2020, will be published in the 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog.

Last Updated: April 30, 2020

Course Changes

Log # Subject Code Course Number CCF Type Title Program Department
19-1037 HHPS 4382/5382 Dual-List Cultural Competence in Health Education BS-Health Education/Promotion Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
19-1038 CNMG 4145 Suspension Professional Constructor Cert BS-Construction Management Construction Management
19-1039 CNMG 4245 Suspension Construction Mgt Capstone BS-Construction Management Construction Management
19-1040 SYEN 3364 Multiple Changes Intro to Control Systems Eng BS-Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
19-1048 CALS 2370 Core Removal Topics of Interdisciplinary Studies Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies
19-1050 CHEM 1402 Description Change General Chemistry I BS-Chemistry Chemistry
19-1051 CHEM 1400 Suspension Fundamentals Chemistry I BS-Chemistry Chemistry
19-1052 CHEM 1401 Suspension Fundamentals Chemistry II BS-Chemistry Chemistry
19-6000 ANTH 2316 Title Change Understanding Cultures BA-Anthroplogy Sociology and Anthropology
19-6002 MCOM 4377/5377 New Course Public Relations Ethics BA-Mass Communications Mass Communication
19-6007 MCOM 4370/5370 New Course Hip Hop Music and Culture BA-Mass Communications Mass Communication
19-6009 MCOM 4372/5372 New Course Sports Journalism BA-Mass Communications Mass Communication
19-6010 MCOM 4378/5378 New Course Government PR BA-Mass Communications Mass Communication
19-6012 MCOM 2380 Title Change Public Relations Principles BA-Mass Communications Mass Communication
19-6013 CPSC 3370 Suspension Net-centric Computing:Sys Con BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6014 CPSC 3371 Suspension Net-centric Computing:Lang Co BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6015 CPSC 3372 Suspension System Utilities BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6016 CPSC 3385 Suspension File Structures and Multimedia BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6017 CPSC 3386 Suspension Info Storage and Retrieval BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6018 CPSC 4371 Suspension Computer Documentation BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6019 CPSC 4372 Suspension Object-Oriented Programming BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6020 CPSC 4375 Suspension Fundamentals of Database Mgmt BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6021 CPSC 4381 Suspension Computer Architecture and Des BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6022 CPSC 4388 Suspension Smart Software Systems BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6023 CPSC 1175 Suspension Introduction to Computer Scien BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6024 CPSC 1372 Multiple Changes RPG Programming BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6025 CPSC 4384 Multiple Changes Computer Networks BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6026 CPSC 2382 Multiple Changes Introduction to Computer Architecture and Assembly Language BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6027 CPSC 3482 Multiple Changes Computer Organization BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6028 CPSC 4367/5367 Multiple Changes Mobile Application Development BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6029 CPSC 3377 Multiple Changes Advanced Game Programming BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6030 CPSC 1105 Description Change FYE for Computing Majors BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6031 CPSC 1375 Description Change Programming I BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6032 CPSC 2376 Description Change Programming II BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6033 CPSC 2377 Prerequisite Change Introduction to Game Programming BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6034 CPSC 2380 Description Change Algorithms BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6035 CPSC 3375 Multiple Changes Database Concepts BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6036 CPSC 3380 Prerequisite Change Operating Systems BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6037 CPSC 3381 Multiple Changes Enterprise COBOL Application D BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6038 CPSC 3383 Multiple Changes Programming Languages BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6039 CPSC 4366 Prerequisite Change Interactive Computer Graphics BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6040 CPSC 4370 Multiple Changes Theory of Computation BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6041 CPSC 4373 Multiple Changes Software Engineering BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6042 CPSC 4376 Prerequisite Change Applied Cryptography BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6043 CPSC 4383 Prerequisite Change Artificial Intelligence BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6044 CPSC 4387 Description Change Distributed Computing BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6045 CPSC 4392 Description Change Capstone Project BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6046 CPSC 3399 New Course Special Topics BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6051 SYEN 5376 New Course Mechanics of Materials II MS-Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
19-6052 SYEN 5374 New Course Fluid Mechanics II MS-Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
19-6051 CPSC 4389 Suspension E-Commerce: Analysis, Design BS-Computer Science Computer Science
19-6059 BINF 4445 Multiple Changes Bioinformatics Theory and Apps BS-Information Science Information Science
19-6060 IFSC 1105 Multiple Changes FYE for IFSC Majors BS-Information Science Information Science
19-6061 SYEN 3373 Title Change Mechanics of Materials II BS-Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
19-6062 SYEN 3378 Title Change Thermodynamics I BS-Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
19-6063 SYEN 4315/5315 Title Change Dynamics II BS-Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
19-6064 SYEN 4326/5326 Prerequisite Change Measurement Techniques BS-Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
19-6065 SYEN 4327/5327 Title Change Acoustics I BS-Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
19-6066 SYEN 4371/5371 Prerequisite Change Thermodynamics II BS-Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
19-6071 ERSC/GEOG 3333 Multiple Changes Introduction to Geospatial Technologies BA-History History
19-6072 GEOG 4100 New Course Sepcial Topics BA-History History
19-6073 GEOG 4200 New Course Sepcial Topics BA-History History
19-6074 GEOG 4325 New Course Map Design and Web Mapping BA-History History
19-6075 GEOG 4422 Multiple Changes GIS II BA-History History
19-6076 GEOG/ERSC 4421 Multiple Changes GIS I BA-History History
19-6077 FINC 4350 Multiple Changes Financial Modeling BBA-Finance Finance
19-6078 FINC 4383 Multiple Changes Applied Equity Analysis BBA-Finance Finance
19-6079 FINC 4395 Prerequisite Change Advance Financial Management BBA-Finance Finance
19-6081 MGMT 4380 Prerequisite Change Business Strategy BBA-Management Finance
19-6083 ARST 4348 Prerequisite Change Web Design BA-Art Art and Design
19-6084 ARST 3340 Prerequisite Change Introduction to Graphic Design BA-Art Art and Design
19-6085 ARST 3341 Prerequisite Change Typography BA-Art Art and Design
19-6086 ARST 4340 Prerequisite Change Print Design BA-Art Art and Design
19-6087 ARST 4341 Prerequisite Change Package Design BA-Art Art and Design
19-6088 PHIL 2320 Prerequisite Change Ethics and Society BA-Philosophy Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies
19-6089 PHIL 2321 Prerequisite Change Ethics and Society: Prof Apps BA-Philosophy Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies
19-6090 PHIL 1310 Multiple Changes The Philosophical Life BA-Philosophy Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies
19-6093 HHPS 3211 Suspension Health & Safety Early Childhood BS-K-12 Health and Physical Education Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
19-6094 HHPS 3311 New Course Health and Safey in Early Childhood BS-K-12 Health and Physical Education Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
19-6095 HHPS 3410 Suspension Biomechanics BS-K-12 Health and Physical Education Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
19-6096 HHPS 3210 Suspension Teaching Ind Sports I BS-K-12 Health and Physical Education Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
19-6097 HHPS 3212 Suspension Teaching IndSports II BS-K-12 Health and Physical Education Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
19-6098 HHPS 3440 New Course Teaching Individual Sports BS-K-12 Health and Physical Education Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
19-6099 HHPS 3320 Suspension Teaching Team Sports BS-K-12 Health and Physical Education Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
19-6100 HHPS 3222 Suspension Teaching Team Sports II BS-K-12 Health and Physical Education Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
19-6101 HHPS 3441 Suspension Teaching Team Sports BS-K-12 Health and Physical Education Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
20-1000 SOCI 4302/5302 New Course Special Topics in Sociology BA-Sociology Sociology and Anthropology
20-1001 SOCI 4365/5365 Dual-List Sociology of Organization BA-Sociology Sociology and Anthropology
20-1002 SOCI 4332/5332 Title Change Life, Death, and Data BA-Sociology Sociology and Anthropology
20-1003 SOCI 3337 Suspension Juvenile Delinquency BA-Sociology Sociology and Anthropology
20-1004 SOCI 3336 Suspension Criminology BA-Sociology Sociology and Anthropology
20-1005 PSYC 3435 Description Change Statistics and Methods I BA-Psychology Psychology
20-1006 PSYC 2300 Prerequisite Change Psychology and the Human Experience BA-Psychology Psychology
20-1007 PSYC 3320 Title Change Applied Psychology BA-Psychology Psychology
20-1008 PSYC 4392 Prerequisite Change Capstone BA-Psychology Psychology
20-1009 SOCI 4376/5376 Number Change, Dual Listing, Description Change Sociology of Health & Illness BA-Sociology Sociology and Anthropology
20-1010 SOCI 3335 Suspension Sociology of Deviant Behavior BA-Sociology Sociology and Anthropology
20-1011 SOCI 4330 Suspension Political Sociology BA-Sociology Sociology and Anthropology
20-1025 MGMT 3300 Prerequisite Change Principles of Management BBA-Management College of Business
20-1026 MGMT 3306 Suspension Quality Assurance Improv BBA-Management College of Business
20-1027 MGMT 4342 Suspension Negotiation/Collective Barg BBA-Management College of Business
20-1028 MGMT 4366/5366 New Course New Venture Launch BBA-Management College of Business
20-1029 MGMT 4367 New Course HR Analytics and Metrics BBA-Management College of Business
20-1030 MGMT 4368 New Course Staffing and Talent Management BBA-Management College of Business
20-1031 MGMT 4372 Suspension Construction Business Mgmt BBA-Management College of Business
20-1032 MGMT 4375/5375 Suspension Sustainable Business BBA-Management College of Business
20-1033 MGMT 4378 Suspension Global Operations Mgmt BBA-Management College of Business
20-1034 MGMT 4383/5383 Description Change Entrepreneurial Perspectives BBA-Management College of Business
20-1035 MGMT 4361/5361 Course Change Business Plan/Prodcut Intro BBA-Management College of Business
20-1042 ADVT 4320 Supension Advertising IMC Implementation BBA-Marketing College of Business
20-1043 MKTG 2330 Supension Introduction to Sustainability BBA-Marketing College of Business
20-1044 MKTG 3350 Prerequisite Change Principles of Marketing BBA-Marketing College of Business
20-1045 MKTG 3361 Suspension Physical Distribution BBA-Marketing College of Business
20-1046 MKTG 3370 Suspension Principles of Retailing BBA-Marketing College of Business
20-1047 MKTG 4310 Prerequisite Change Marketing Research BBA-Marketing College of Business
20-1048 MKTG 4315 New Course Social Media Mktg Strategy BBA-Marketing College of Business
20-1049 MKTG 4316 New Course Digital Marketing BBA-Marketing College of Business
20-1050 MKTG 4360 Suspension Purchasing BBA-Marketing College of Business
20-1052 BINS 3305 Description Change Business Information Systems BBA-Business Information Systems College of Business
20-1053 BINS 4310 Suspension Network Technologies BBA-Business Information Systems College of Business
20-1054 BINS 4351/5351 Prerequisite Change Data Analysis and Reporting BBA-Business Information Systems College of Business
20-1055 BINS 4311 Suspension Security Issues Network Techn BBA-Business Information Systems College of Business
20-1056 BINS 4331 Description Change Mgmt of Information Resources BBA-Business Information Systems College of Business
20-1057 BINS 4350/5350 Prerequisite Change Business Database Management BBA-Business Information Systems College of Business
20-1058 BINS 4352 Prerequisite Change Big Data Analytics Tools BBA-Business Information Systems College of Business
20-1059 BINS 4360 Prerequisite Change Bus Analytics Proj Development BBA-Business Information Systems College of Business
20-1063 DANC 3240 Description Change Music for Dance BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1064 DANC 3311 Description Change Dance History I BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1065 THEA 2359 Description Change IT for Theatre and Dance BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1066 THEA 3160 Description Change Stage Production BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1067 THEA 3161 Description Change Stage Production BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1068 THEA 3351 Description Change Acting II BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1069 THEA 4161 Description Change Stage Production BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1070 THEA 4162 Description Change Stage Production BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1071 THEA 4350 Description Change History of Theatre I BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1072 THEA 4351 Description Change History of Theatre II BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1073 THEA 4364 Description Change Contemporary Theatre BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1074 DANC 2291 Suspension Intro to Dance Technique BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1075 DANC 3281 Suspension Tap II BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1076 DANC 3320 Suspension Labanotation BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1077 DANC 4354 Suspension Dance Criticism and Concepts BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1078 THEA 4352 Multiple Changes Dramatic Criticism BA-Dance Theatre and Dance
20-1082 HHPS 3383 New Course Introduction to Epidemiology BS-Health Education/Promotion Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
20-1083 MKTG 2380 Prerequisite Change Legal Environment of Business BBA-Marketing College of Business
20-1085 SYEN 3312 Number Change BS-Mechancial Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
20-1087 MUED 4315 Suspension Teaching Music in Performance BM-Music Education Music
20-1088 MUED 3122 Suspension Composing & Arranging for BM-Music Education Music
20-1089 MUED 3123 Suspension Global Syles and Practices BM-Music Education Music
20-1090 MUAP 3224 Credit Hour Change Conducting I BM-Music Education Music
20-1091 MUED 3214 Credit Hour Change Vocal Pedagogy BM-Music Education Music
20-1092 MUED 4202 New Course Ensemble Methods BM-Music Education Music
20-1093 MUED 4201 New Course Ensemble Literature BM-Music Education Music
20-1094 MUED 4322 Credit Hour Change Teaching General Music BM-Music Education Music
20-1095 MUAP 2101 New Course Diction I BM-Music Education Music
20-1096 MUAP 2102 New Course Diction II BM-Music Education Music
20-1097 MUED 4301 New Course Student Teaching Seminar BM-Music Education Music
20-1098 MUED 4601 New Course Student Teaching Seminar BM-Music Education Music
20-1111 NURS 3305 Prerequisite Change Informatics in Nursing BSN-Nursing Nursing
20-1112 CHEM 1405 New Course Fundamentals of GOB Chemistry BS-Chemistry Chemistry
20-1116 PHIL 2350 Description Change Introduction to Logic BA-Philosphy Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies
20-1117 THEA 3350 Description Change Voice and Movement BA-Theatre Arts Theatre and Dance
20-1118 THEA 1201 Course Change Thea/Dance: A First Experience BA-Theatre Arts Theatre and Dance
20-1119 THEA 3360 Description Change Stage Management BA-Theatre Arts Theatre and Dance
20-1120 THEA 3362 Description Change BA-Theatre Arts Theatre and Dance
20-1121 FREN 4361 Multiple Changes Seminar World Languages
20-1122 FREN 4362 Multiple Changes Seminar World Languages
20-1123 BIOL 2401 Description Change Microbiology BS-Biology Biology
20-1125 BIOL 4413/5413 Course Change Immunology BS-Biology Biology
20-1126 BIOL 3402 Course Change Human Anatomy BS-Biology Biology
20-1127 BIOL 4422/5422 Course Change Human Physiology BS-Biology Biology
20-1129 GERO 4301/5301 Course Change Pscyhology of Adult Learning Social Work
20-1130 GERO 4303/5303 Course Change Teaching Adults Social Work
20-1133 AUSP 2360 Other Intro to Spch Lang Path BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1134 AUSP 3350 Other Applied Phonetics BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1135 AUSP 3360 Other Language Acquistition BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1136 AUSP 3363 Other Speech Sound Disorders BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1137 AUSP 3365 Other Clinical Management BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1138 AUSP 4162 Other Practicum I in Spch Lang Path BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1139 AUSP 4163 Other Practicum II in Spch Lang Path BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1140 AUSP 4201 Other Independent Study BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1141 AUSP 4310 Prerequisite Change Neural Processing Spch/Lang BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1142 AUSP 4364 Other Assessment in Spch Lang Path BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1143 AUSP 4369 Description Change Audiological Rehabilitation BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1144 AUSP 4302 New Course Independent Study BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1145 AUSP 4371 New Course Adults with Cog Lang Disorders BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1146 AUSP 4372 New Course Research in Spch Lang Path BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1147 AUSP 4370 New Course Cultural Competence in CSD BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1148 AUSP 4366 Other Children with Lang Impairments BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1149 AUSP 3340 Other Intro to Audiology BS-Communication Sciences & Disorders Audiology and Speech Pathology
20-1150 MUED 4001 New Course Student Teaching Seminar BM-Music Education Music

Program Changes

ADHE Approval Required ✔ Log # Change Type Program Title Department
✔ 3/11/2020 19-6047 Program Change ACS-Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science
✔ 10/25/2019 17-6068 Program Change BA – Mass Communication BA – Mass Communication Mass Communication
19-1042 Program Change BA-English English English
19-6011 Program Change BA-Mass Communications Strategic Public Relations Mass Communication
19-1008 Program Change BA-World Languages Spanish World Languages
19-1006 Program Change BBA-Business Analytics Business Analytics Business Information Systems
19-1007 Program Change BBA-Business Analytics Business Analytics Business Information Systems
20-1036 Program Change BBA-Management HR Management College of Business
20-1037 Program Change BBA-Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship College of Business
20-1038 Program Change BBA-Management Management College of Business
✔ 3/11/2020 19-6048 Program Change BS-Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science
✔ 3/11/2020 19-6049 Program Change BS-Computer Science Computer Science – Game Option Computer Science
19-1023 Program Change BS-Construction Managemetn Construction Management Construction Management
19-1021 Program Change BS-Geology Geology Earth Science
19-1022 Program Change BS-Geology Geology Earth Science
20-1079 Program Change BS-Health Education/Promotion Health Education and Promotion Counseling/Human Performance & Rehabilitation
19-6070 Program Change BS-Information Science Information Science Information Science
19-6104 Program Change BS-Information Science Information Science Information Science
✔ 2019 CATALOG 18-6108 Program Change BS-Mechanical Systems Engineering Mechanical Systems Engineering Systems Engineering
✔ 10/25/2019 18-6120 Program Change BSE-Elementary Education Elementary Ed. K-6 School of Education
✔ 10/25/2020 19-1000 Program Change BSE-Special Education Special Education School of Education
✔ 10/25/2019 19-1034 Program Change CP-Applied Design Applied Design Art and Design
19-1005 Program Change CP-Business Analytics Business Analytics Business Information Systems
20-1020 Program Change CP-Photography Photography Art and Design
✔ 8/21/2019 19-1009 Program Change CP-Workplace Spanish Workplace Spanish World Languages
20-1060 Program Change Minor-Business Information Systems Business Information Systems College of Business
19-6050 Program Change Minor-Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science
20-1128 Program Change Minor-English English English
20-1039 Program Change Minor-Human Resource Management Management College of Business
19-1028 Program Change Minor-Human Services Human Services School of Social Work
20-1019 Program Change Minor-Photography Photography Art and Design
19-1010 Program Change Minor-Spanish Spanish Minor World Languages
✔ 8/21/2019 18-6111 Program Change MS-Buisiness Information Systems Early Entry Business Information Systems Business Information Systems