Instructions for student:
If you want to pursue a medical exemption for the meal plan, the first step is to contact Sodexo to see if your dietary needs can be met. If they cannot accommodate your medical dietary needs, you can request a meal plan exception with the Disability Resource Center. DRC will need two things to consider your request:
- Confirmation from Sodexo (via email to the DRC) that they are unable to accommodate your medical dietary needs, and
- A completed Meal Plan Exemption Physician Form from your physician.
Please provide the information on this page to your physician so we can obtain documentation to determine if you qualify for a wavier from the meal plan. You may either forward the link for this page to your physician, or print the instructions and the form for the doctor.
Requests for meal plan waivers must be made on or before the 11th day of classes, and must be completed within 30 days of initiating the process.
Instructions for physician:
A student has requested an exemption from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock meal plan because of a medical condition, and has indicated that you are the treating physician for this condition.
When there are valid medical reasons supported by documentation from a physician, which cannot be accommodated in other ways, a waiver to the required meal plan may be granted. Such documentation must indicate a clear and compelling need for the meal plan exemption.
To assist in evaluating this student’s request, you are being asked to provide a written response to the items listed on the form linked below and to return it to the UA Little Rock Disability Resource Center within 10 days of receipt of this request. Without your proper response, the student’s request will not be considered.
Please scan the completed and signed Meal Plan Exemption Physician Form and email to, with the student’s name in the subject line. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office at 501-916-3143.