Doctor of Audiology Student Earns Top Research Spot for Summer
Megan Anders, a first-year student in the joint UALR-UAMS Doctor of Audiology program, will spend her summer break in Portland, Ore., conducting research at the local Veterans Administration Medical Center.
Anders, who earned her undergraduate degree from UALR, will be in Oregon through Aug. 19 working in the National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR). She will work with Dr. Gabrielle Saunders, NCRAR Deputy Director for Education, Outreach and Dissemination and an assistant professor in the Department of Otolaryngology at Oregon Health and Sciences University.
“I will most likely be involved with a study looking at the Listening and Communication Enhancement (LACE) program,” Anders said. Her research will focus on hearing aid outcomes.
The NCRAR’s mission is to benefit veterans by alleviating the communicative, social, and economic problems that result from auditory system impairments.