Seven Months and Counting: UALR to Prohibit Smoking on Aug. 16
UALR is now seven months away from becoming a smoke-free campus. On Aug. 16, 2009, the new smoke-free policy will apply to all locations of the University, including the main campus, the Bowen School of Law, and the Benton Center.
If you are a smoker and would like help with kicking the habit, UALR Health Services has scheduled an upcoming smoking cessation information session from 11 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 21, in the Donaghey Student Center, Suite 116. You’ll hear an overview of the medication options and side effects and how treatments are monitored. You will also be able to sign up for group or individual classes at that time.
Health Services Director Janis Lewis said that at least eight published studies have reported that laws making indoor workplaces and public places smoke-free have been associated with significant reductions in hospitalizations for acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
What has been lacking until now is research which indicates that this effect is sustained over time. Most recent studies have been limited to a snapshot of time immediately following the implementation of the ordinance.
The Pueblo Heart Study extends the analysis from 18 months prior to the implementation of the ordinance to 18 months after it. It then extends that analysis for an additional 18 months after implementation.
The report suggests that the initial decrease in AMI hospitalizations (27 percent) observed immediately following the implementation of the smoke-free ordinance continued over time, with a final total decline of 41 percent from the Phase I pre-implementation period. These findings provide support for consideration of smoke-free policies an important component of intervention to prevent heart disease morbidity and mortality.