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E-Portfolio Workshop Offered Feb. 21

The Arkansas chapter of the Society for Technical Communication offers an opportunity for students and the community to learn about creating an e-portfolio using Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional software.

The workshop from 1 to 2:15 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21, will be held in room 106C in UALR’s old Student Union Annex. Attendees will learn how to create an electronic portfolio using Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional. The event is free and open to the public. Membership in the Society is not required.

Fredie Smith, a freelance designer and UALR graduate who produces business-to-business advertising and marketing materials, will present the session. He is a former multimedia specialist at Camp Robinson’s Professional Education Center.

For more information about this or other STC events, contact Arkansas STC president Fredie Smith.