Professor Encourages Global Warming ‘Teach-In’
Management Professor Nancy E. Landrum is encouraging colleagues to join a National Teach-In on Global Warming Solutions that began Monday and will extend through Feb. 6.
How to participate? Professors are encouraged to spend 10 minutes discussing global warming solutions or another sustainability-related topic as it applies to the class topic and discipline or show the 50-minute webcast, “Solutions for the First 100 Days.”
Landrum also encourages professors and their students to take advantage of a unique opportunity to attend a conference on green jobs.
Jerome Ringo, president of the Apollo Alliance, will serve as keynote speaker for an upcoming conference on green jobs sponsored by the Arkansas chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council.
Ringo will speak at 7 p.m. Feb. 8 at the Theresa Hoover United Methodist Church and at 6 p.m. Feb. 10 in the Philander Smith College. His lecture will focus on green-collar jobs.
The Apollo Alliance is a coalition of labor, environmental, national security, civil rights and business leaders working to make America independent from foreign energy in 10 years.
For more information on the conference, contact Mark Robertson at 501.372.6092.
The event is sponsored at UALR by the Net Impact and Global Issues Group.