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Alum Touts Mentoring, Networking, and Job Opportunities

UALR alum Angela Parker ’94 is giving back to the program that prepared her for her career in the nonprofit sector – UALR’s master of public administration program – by serving as president of the MPA Alumni Society.

“I take great pride in my degree and the University and strive to give back so others may have the same opportunity,” Parker said. After serving as president of the Alumni Association from 2002 to 2003, she took over as president of the MPA chapter and is now in her third term.

Parker has three goals for the society, which currently has more than 50 members. Recruiting new members to the Alumni Association and new MPA students into the program are priorities, along with raising money for scholarships.

“Grads should join the chapter for several reasons – mentoring, networking, job opportunities, and fellowship,” she said. “Another benefit for alumni is the possibility to host current MPA students in intern positions.”

MPA students have the opportunity to meet members in the program’s alumni chapter – an asset to planning for graduation and job placement.

Parker brought more than 20 years of nonprofit experience to her role as executive director of the Arkansas Independent Living Council, an agency which promotes independence for all Arkansans with disabilities. “I feel that what we do makes a significant difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities,” she said.

She has previously worked in management and administration for the Central Arkansas Radiation Therapy, United Cerebral Palsy, and Easter Seals Arkansas. Parker became a certified fundraising executive and a fellow of the advisory board from the Academy Fellowship Program.

Her bachelor’s degree is in political science from Hendrix College. A native of DeWitt, she resides in Little Rock with her husband, Dr. David Sink, professor and senior research specialist for UALR’s Institute of Government.