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Students Present at History Symposium

Two UALR art history majors – Amy Blocker of Heber Springs and Alex Carraway of White Hall – presented research at the 19th Annual College Arts History Symposium at Hendrix College in Conway.

Blocker discussed “Rembrandt’s Landscape with Three Trees: Religious Commentary or Humanist Vista.”

“While most research on his work draws attention to the religious associations made with various elements within the landscape, my presentation will suggest a new interpretation,” Blocker said.

“The Three Trees is more appropriately seen in a humanist, rather than religious, context.”

Carraway presented “Austin Osman Spare and the Surrealists.”

“The main similarity between Spare and the Surrealists is their emphasis of automatism in combination with trance states as a means to communicate with the subconscious,” Carraway said. “His disassociation from art circles may have been self-induced due to the fact that he became disgusted with them, turning into a recluse, and focusing on his own genius.”

The symposium began in 1991 to offer an opportunity for students in art history throughout the state to deliver papers in the field. In addition, the symposium includes a lecture by an outstanding scholar in art history. UALR has hosted the symposium in past years.