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‘Fund for UALR’ Campaign Runs to Dec. 13

In the wake of record enrollment and new construction efforts, UALR is launching a new annual giving program created to make a difference for students and the community the institution serves.

“The Fund for UALR” kicks off its fall calling season Sept. 21, and it will run until Dec. 13. A second calling season will come in the spring.

“’The Fund for UALR’ will help us fill in the many gaps of resources for growth in areas such as scholarships, academic programs, and classroom needs,” said Chancellor Joel E. Anderson in a letter to alumni and friends of the University announcing the effort.

Last fall, UALR initiated the public phase of its comprehensive campaign, “It’s Time for UALR,” with a gala celebration that featured student performances and former Trojan basketball star Derek Fisher of the Los Angeles Lakers.

“The comprehensive campaign, ‘It’s Time for UALR,’ is a campaign that was marked by a beginning, and it will be marked by an end. Annual giving will be ongoing,” said Daniel McPherson, manager of annual giving at UALR’s Office of Development.

Ruffalo Cody of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, will manage the telephone solicitations, which began Monday, Sept. 21. The campaign will also utilize direct mail and e-mail appeals.

“The focus for this year is to develop a good foundation of donors from past alumni. Each year thereafter we’ll seek to build upon this base,” McPherson said.

The vast amount of any university’s annual giving comes from alumni. Annual giving has been done at UALR, but has not been repeatedly and systematically approached each year, McPherson said.

“When people give to a university, they are increasing the value of a degree from that university,” McPherson said. “The biggest reason, I think, is the better a university does, the more accomplished a university becomes, the more valuable a degree from that institution becomes.”

Participating in an annual campaign helps alums stay connected with their alma mater, he said.

“Is it a matter of pride? That’s a part of it,” he said. “But it’s also a way for donors to stay connected with the University. They come for events on campus. They want to be a part of improving the culture here. Support for UALR improves Little Rock’s culture as well.”

For more about “The Fund for UALR” and other opportunities, visit the Office of Development or call 501-569-3194.