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Students Organize Literacy Action Effort

A recently established campus organization is focusing on fighting adult illiteracy by raising awareness about the problems of illiteracy, recruiting new tutors, and organizing fundraisers.

“Literacy is key to empowering others and helping them attain a higher standard of living, keeping them out of state prisons, and becoming a productive members of their communities,” said Katie Keen, an international studies student from Benton who has helped organize the group.

“One fact that I personally found surprising – in Pulaski county alone, 10 percent of the population is functionally illiterate. Fortunately there is hope through Literacy Action of Central Arkansas (LACA), a local non-profit that is currently helping around 300 adult students learn to read.”

Keen said Literacy Action at UALR will be a branch of LACA and will aim to recruit more volunteers. to try to get people out of the prison that is illiteracy. It is also a great way to get some volunteer hours and there are internship opportunities available.

For more information, contact Keen at