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Grad Couple Honored for Campus Support

Marilyn and Greg Brown of Deer Mountain, Utah – formerly of Benton – each earned a bachelor of business administration degree, and he went on to graduate from the Bowen School of Law.

But they never really left campus. As active alumni, they have been examples of graduates who honor their UALR experiences by supporting the University with their time, energy, and financial resources.

Now, UALR is honoring the couple’s devotion by naming a tutoring center on campus, “The Marilyn and Greg Brown Academic Success Center” in the Jack Stephens Center. On a return visit to Arkansas the couple will see for the first time a bronze plaque honoring them.

The plaque permanently recognizes the Browns for their support of the University and the Trojan Athletic Department and includes a quote from Italian inventor and artist Leonardo da Vinci: “Learning never exhausts the mind.”

The plaque honors the Browns for their past and continuing support of UALR, including:

  • Greg Brown’s service as a member of the Board of Visitors and the UALR Foundation Fund Board.
  • Marilyn Brown’s service as a member of the UALR Alumni Board of Directors and the Trojan Athletic Foundation Board.
  • The couple’s long-time friendship to the Trojan Athletic Department.
  • Their membership in the UALR Heritage Society, established to recognize alumni and friends who have made provisions in their estate plans for gifts to be made to the University.
  • Membership in the Ottenheimer Brothers Society that recognizes cumulative giving in excess of $250,000.

“The Browns understand the value of education for the individual, for the community, and society as a whole,” said Chancellor Joel E. Anderson. He and his wife, Ann, will host a dinner for the Browns during their visit.

For more information about UALR’s giving societies, contact Bob Denman, executive director of the UALR’s Office of Development.