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Student Partnership Discusses Pro Bono Services April 29

A partnership of students from the UALR William H. Bowen School of Law and the Clinton School of Public Service will host a presentation from noon to 1 p.m. April 29, in the Sturgis Hall at the Clinton School of Public Service. The topic: “For the Public Good: The Future of Pro Bono in Arkansas.”

Pro bono services are essential to the legal profession’s obligation to assist the public by offering access to our adversarial justice system. Despite this, many attorneys have a difficult time performing pro bono services. This partnership hopes to address all the major concerns regarding the performance of pro bono services and propose a new method for all attorneys to fulfill their duty to pro bono services in Arkansas.

The Public Service Law partnership invites the entire state to participate in its critical analysis of pro bono in Arkansas. The event is open to the public at no charge. For further information, contact Dean Kpere-Daibo at