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Take Me to Your Leader

Some time ago, I was roving around campus taking photos, when I had an unsettling feeling that I was being watched. I turned around to find these alien-looking creatures staring down at me from a window in the Fine Arts building.

Given their location, I assumed that they were part of a classroom exercise. What I didn’t know was that they were products of “Fabulous Friday,” an annual event that lets area high school students experience a series of short classes from a variety of art forms, all in one day. They get exposed to advanced topics –fiber arts, furniture design, photography, printmaking, etc.

The creatures in the photo came from a ceramics session in which groups are tasked with recreating a character they’re given. Assistant Professor Kevin Cates says it’s a highlight. “The kids have a BLAST with it, that’s for sure.”

The next Fabulous Friday is coming up October 15. Find out more information on the Department of Art website. Send us photos if you come across any other alien forces. The truth is out there.